I've had plenty of 5-bar starts, but have never had better than a 3-bar stop. How do I improve my ECO stopping score?
A long and slow stop will give you a better score. You can also turn on the EV mode if speed is slower than 25 and drive until fully stop.
coast for a while into your stop i have the start and stop down... haven't figured out how to get the cruise up though
yup it's all about coasting and light braking. not always possible in city or heavy traffic. my problem is the cruise score. hardly ever get more than 3 bars on it.. can't figure it out LOL
I've been able to get 5 bars stating, 5 bars cruise, and only 4 bars stopping. I usually get 3 bars stopping. The one time I got the 4, I let off the gas a long ways back and coasted. And then when i reached about 20mph I lightly pushed the break. If you let your charge bar get full, you are no longer using the regenerative braking, and now are using your friction brakes. The goal I think is to keep the charging bar half or less when braking.
This confuses me. If it's using the friction brakes rather than the regenerative breaks, shouldn't the charge bar get lower? I'm not arguing that you're wrong, more that I would expect Toyota to create a gauge that accurately displays when the regen brakes are working. I would find that very interesting to see on the display. When the friction brakes are engaged, is it solely the friction brakes, or do the friction and regen brakes work in concert?
When driving today I kept the braking regen display below half and was able to score 4 and 5 bars consistently.
long and slow stops without using the friction brakes are how i've been able to score 5-bar stops. @ashley7, the charge bar goes up when you're starting to break and will regen until it maxes out.. at which then the friction brakes will start kicking in... it would not make sense with however you described it... the gauge works as it's supposed to... you max out regen (the charge bar).. then friction brakes come in... it's not hard to understand.. and it's brakes.. not breaks.
I did it again? Ah, I see, I misspelled one out of six. Thanks. My question is not that hard to understand either. I have had a terrible couple days in the hospital waiting for someone to die, and am not in the mood for your condescension. Are the regen brakes still working when the friction brakes kick in? If so, then yes, it makes sense for the bar to remain full. If not, then it should reduce to nothing. The way Dano phrased their post made it sound like the regen braking stops ("once the bar is full, you are no longer using regenerative braking"), but perhaps that is not what he meant. I'm just trying to understand my car, you don't need to make me feel stupid for asking questions.
Well...thanks for your suggestions all. I had my first 5-bar stop as I pulled into the office parking lot after lunch. Wasn't paying attention so I don't know what I did...but it worked. Ask and ye shall receive I suppose
I think the one cat was talking about the overall battery charge bar. Once the battery is fully charged, they didn't expect that the regen braks would do anything, which is probably right. I don't have my car yet, so I can't comment on the prius characteristics. My 2000 honda insight would do regen braking for about 2-3 seconds when the battery was full, then do nothing, you'd have to push the pedal further to get to some friction stopping. sorry to hear of your situation Ashley, never a good thing to go through, especially in what seems like slow motion.