Just thought I would say Hi to all. Seems to have a wealth of information here that will be very useful to a new owner. I allready freaked out thinking I broke my car when I couldnt move off from the lights and didnt realise I had to press the brake first after putting it in park found the answer to that at the side of a busy junction on this forum :lol:
I got it for £4000 a very good price most are around 5k over here for a 2006. Gas is £1.42 per litre.
Sounds like a great price for the car. $9.02 per gallon equivalent. We get crowds in the street with pitchforks and torches at $4 gallon.
I am also a new prius owner from Scotland,( Glasgow). I paid £5700 from dealership for a 2005 T4 black with leather seats ( 66K miles). 12 month MOT and 1 year warranty. I used to drive a 2l automatic Honda accord which I was lucky to get 30mpg and £270 road tax. Now I am getting 61MPG (avg over last 100miles - to work and back), therefore the car will pay for itself in 4 years based on 8k miles per year. Loving the Prius so far...