Is it me or is the Prius c a chick magnet? Almost every woman that I know considers it c ute and wants to get in it.
Cute is the kiss of death for a car. Look at the Mazda Miata, VW Beetle, and Mini. Those were respectable cars till women liked them. Now they're "girl cars" to be ridiculed.
I understand where you're coming from but the Miata and Mini are no cars to be ridiculed. Anyone who feels that way knows nothing about them or is far too insecure.
A lot of people consider all Prii to be girly cars. To each their own. To those who think your car expresses your personality, then, having driven a GTO, Bonneville (before pollution controls), Fiat, Galaxy, Malibu Convertible, Integra, Accord, Renault 16( my all time favorite car)Nissan Quest, and now a C3, I definitely must be schizophrenic.
i do not know about "girl cars"... but i do know a lot of people in the LGBT community with miatas, and beetles.. >_< not so much mini coopers at least... though i suppose there are a few Prius owners.. eh.. whatever.. my car is cute.. i'm completely fine with that... and fine admitting it. if any person dares to question my masculinity, i just tell them i spend the money i save on gas towards the gf... and other women... (and their mom if they're being stupid).
My girlfriend drives a Honda CR-z which she loves. The other day we were riding in my C and she says "I love this car.. if I didn't have my CR-z I would buy this in a second!". She really likes the aggressive exterior and the styling of the interior. It's very non-Prius-like which, to her, is the best part.
If you need a certain car to attract a date, you're doing it wrong. And no, despite a lifetime of advertisements to the contrary, a car is not an extension of your personality.
HAH!!! ha, ha ha! thats a good one.lets see for me. my former mercdes benz c280, my harley vrod or...(ta da!) my prius c. hmmmmmmmmm. thats a tough one. sorry, but as much as i love my c way. as a chick babe( no sexism meant of course) friend of mine said "yuk!". ive said this tongue in cheek so no flames please ps yes, its you hoddy
I'm supposed to be the one that's cute and it should be me that the chicks want to get into...not the dang car!:rockon:
If the Prius C is a chick magnet, then I am all for it! I need all the help I can get in the girlfriend department, since girls are not exactly knocking down my door to be with me.
I couldn't have said it better. I purposely keep a low profile because I don't want girls that are just after my money. My car is just a machine to get me to/from work and other places.
I think everyone needs to calm down and take a step back. It's one thing for a girl to say "The Prius c is a cute car." It's another for her to say "I'll sleep with you."