My son and I debate what "it means" to drive a Prius v. He thinks it says "tree-hugger wuss". I think it says "Sophisticated. What do you think a Prius v "says" all by itself? ------ If you don't know what I mean, here are some examples; I think a 911 Porsche says "I'm "it". " A Subaru Outback says "I'm a Lefty" A Fiat 500 says "Ciao!" A Camry says "I'm normal" get the idea.
If the V says you're a tree-hugger wuss, what does the regular Prius say? I liked the fact that the V is distinguished from the regular Prius. I bet there's a pretty large segment of Prius owners who are also Apple fanboys. As for the V, I think the V says practical. That's the reason I made the purchase. Or you could also opt with the company line: V = Versatile.
I think owning/driving my Prius v says "I hate paying so much for gas and I did something about it." And if you ask me about my Prius v I will talk your ear off about the synergy drive, the regen brakes, the low maintenance costs, the engine cut off, the MPG, the different driving modes, the ATP, how it has changed how I drive and how much I enjoy driving it.
How old is your son? If he's young and small, smack him around real good. If he's older threaten to not pay for his college. Hey I resent that! But in my defense I'm not just any apple fanboy. I had Apple stuff before they got popular (Power Macintosh 9500, iPod mini) and I even worked at one of the first Apple retail stores several years ago.
Never had an Apple II, Mac, Ipod, or Iphone. Had an Ipad but gave it to my daughter because, quite frankly, it is a device looking for a purpose.
The V is the tipping point for the Prius family... My last car was a BMW x5. Its surprising but I dont miss it..
It's a car. It doesn't 'say' anything. What does it say about someone that they need the validation from a car?
Today it seemed to say 'tailgate me even though I'm already driving above the speed limit.'. What they don't know is that slows me down to the speed limit with a big smile when they pass. Otherwise mine says 'tired of visiting a gas station twice a week but need room for cargo/dogs'. My previous car averaged 18 or so mpg. I've filled the v 4 times since 2/21. W
You should show your son some of the modified GenIIIs and see if he still calls them tree huggers. My daughter who is a freshman in high school said some of her guy friends also had the tree hugger opinion of the Prius. Then they saw mine with its tinted windows and Kazera wheels and they quickly changed their opinions. They said I had "swag".
I'm not big on stereotypes but I always thought is was Subaru favored by the 'tree huggers'. Maybe I missed the memo if that changed. W
At first some of our friends said "since when did you become a Lefty". My wife put our NRA Lifetime member sticker in a rear window and we seldom hear that now. Lol We bought it because it's a nice car and we were tired of 16-18 mpg in our SUV.
My v says, "Smile gets bigger at every passed gas station on my way to the bank to make a nongas buying deposit". Oh and also adding the extra v space adds another smile' easted