Any idea what source Toyota is using for the Charging Station Database in the Advanced PIP. No ChargePoint stations are listed and I believe Blink stations are also missing.
i was told that Entune charging locations was not going online until the summer. The unit in the plug-in i got from VA was pre-programmed with a few stations in VA, without the ability to update. I've been using the CarStations app on iPhone. that's the only one that picks up the public j1772 station in city of Woodstock, and the Walgreens, Cracker Barrel locations.
What I am interested in is a "standard 120V outlet easily available in public places" database. A lot of buildings have them available on the outside, and you can just plug in...but it's hard to tell where to find them.
Try PlugShare. I wish there was one charging database to rule them all. Having to check Entune, PlugShare, Blink, ChargePoint, Recargo, CarStation, etc. is tedious.
I might be a little off topic, but I'm not optimistic about public charging in the near-term future. In my area, there are none listed except the one at the Nissan dealer of all places, and they are not cooperative in freeing it up to park your car there. Sure Manhattan has dozens of places listed, but when I discovered that the Parking lot I use on the west side a few times per month had one, I inquired. First I was told the credit card machine for it was broken (lie...because it is a free charger as I found out later). Then I was told you had to call in advance to use it. When I called the headquarters of the parking lot they assured me it was free and all I had to do was ask the attendant to hook me up. When I tried again, they said that they had a monthly parker there, and I could only use it if he wasn't. Egads...they went through every excuse in the book to keep me from using it. Have you ever been on the NJ Turnpike especially on a weekend? The lines for gas can easily exceed six cars, and there are some 20 pumps...and it only takes 10-15 minutes per transaction. Can you imagine a couple dozen EVs lined up to share one or two ESVEs? My friends, I am afraid for the foreseeable future, charging will have to be done at home.
Here's another Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles Data Center: Alternative Fueling Station Locator. I don't think there's one totally complete database. We've discussed this on MyNissanLeaf before but I haven't kept up with those threads. is one of those threads.
Tried the AAA Triptik app with charging stations. There is no detail on the charging stations, but they are clearly mapped and listed, and it is a nice pannable interface.
You can also locate charging stations on google maps by typing stations Los Angeles for example. I found the map to be hoplessly out of date though. Both Car Station and Recargo allow you to post stations that are not currently on the map so if you know of charging stations in your area that doesn't appear there then post them. I think Recargo lets drivers report on the status of the site.
I recommend that you don't just plug in to an outside outlet on a building without obtaining permission first. Some businesses look on this as theft and you could find yourself in a bad situation. EVcharger News list some 110V outlest that are part of the setup of a Public Charging station, for example there is one at the charging station at Bristol Farms in West Hollywood. This is only for California though.
I'm surprised any of you are really that interested in finding places to charge your PiP. It's not like you'll be stranded if you run out of juice, unlike people who own pure EVs like the Leaf. As for Nissan dealer, well, yeah, they sell the Leaf. I think in order to be certified to sell the Leaf, they have to have a L2 charging station on premises. Unfortunately, not all those are even good about letting Leaf owners come by to charge.