Just wondering how many amateur radio operators own a Prius? I'm KB0HUL in Coralville, Iowa. If you've installed a radio in your Prius please share photos of your radio and antenna installations. Thanks! .... .. Dan
Hey, we're practically neighbors! I just picked up my Prius C yesterday. Yell at me when you get yours and we'll meet up! Are you getting yours in Iowa City? Cedar Rapids? Dan
WA2IKL. My Prius was written up in QST a few years ago as a source of emergency power. http://priups.com/press/priups-qst-article.jpg Richard
WB4GQA here...have had my Prius for about two months now, and absolutely love it. Don't have any plans to install my IC-706 MK II G in this car, nor any 2 meter gear.
There are so many threads about hams and amateur radio you could knit a quilt, albeit a small one! Read this thread.. Amateur Radio (Ham Radio) Operators on this forum? | PriusChat
Hi Ben a ham 4 a while now. Call is K9ZSQ. I use an FT 100 in my 2010 prius. No problems at all. Got rid of RFI with much shielding. Much hours of work 2. Larry