Congrats! :thumb: If you have a down payment on the car, I would ask the salesman what the mileage is on the car right now and that no one be allowed to test drive the car. Otherwise they will be using it as a demo until you go and pick it up.
Better letem know, Mine arrived with 6, but had 45 by the time i picked it up...not much difference but for a car that already has an owner for them to still demo is still shady.
I work the late shift 230 to 11 pm I don't have the time then on Sunday's at 5 am I'm at my other job Saturday = my only free day
I emailed them pretty late. They got back to me he said its in the service dept. he is keeping it off the lot and he is checking the mileage tomorrow.
Thanks! Super excited. Cant wait till Saturday I have the whole day off. Probably spend the whole day with the car
Sadly, most car dealers are shady. Similar to a teenage male on prom night, they only really care about one thing. hwell:
I traded my Harley in yesterday... Since my wife doesn't like to ride, this way we can go places together. I can't post links yet, but here's a pic of mine.
I've been reading about this happening quite a bit. With only a single payment left on the '08 we'll put something down on the C or pay for it outright in June and ensure it isn't driven anything more than off the truck to a parking spot for preps!
When we initially looked at our Prius c it was the only one on the lot. The sales lady, Jody, had to check if it had sold to the guy who looked at it before us. He wanted a different color and didn't commit to that car, so that meant we could test drive it. Later that night Gary and I talked it over and called the dealership around 8am the next day (last Saturday morning). We told Jody that we'd take it but couldn't pick it up until 2pm. When we arrived to complete the deal Jody told us someone drove down from Peoria (about 2.5 hrs) and asked to test drive it. She told them "No, it's sold, but you can sit in it". She also told us that it was a good thing we called because the original guy came back for it and she could have sold it to 2 other people that day. Whew! Gary and I are extremely happy with our purchase. Combined highway and town driving we are consistently getting 60+ mpg. (but then, I am not a hot rod driver) I actually drove from the south end of our little town to the north end (about 2.5 miles) and got 81.4 mpg. I was so excited that I called home (on the bluetooth of course) and told Gary. This car is just crazy fun! Congrats to you TC400, you are gonna love it! Post pics when you get her home. Deb