I'm trying to figure out if the rheostat in my new PiP is already PooPed out. In my GenII, the instrument panel lighting had many levels because of the rheostat control. On my PiP, the wheel gives me full on, dim, or zero. Has anyone else noticed this, or does your dimming switch continuously vary the level of light down to zero. I think it should be an easy fix if it's just a switch. But if it's designed to have three levels, then OK.
i just tried this. looks like there are 2 modes. if the headlights are on, all of the displays and button backlights are continuously variable. if the headlights are off, you only get bright and dim. that's kinda weird if you ask me.
Hello, This one tripped me up too. You can just turn on the DRL to on and you will get a brighter display during the day w/o turing the backlights all the way up to 11 past the nub. If you are used to using your headlights during the day you will need to turn it all the way up. Looks like they expect people to just use DRL during the day. 'save power' Dave
I turned off ALL lights, and the control still just goes from full on to one level of dim. I'll have to check a new car at a dealership and see if this is the way the rheostat is designed to work.
In many states such as California, if the windshield wipers are on, the headlights must be on. DRL are specifically mentioned as NOT good enough.
I noticed this and commented in another thread. In Headlight mode (and I think Side-Marker position) the dimmer works like it should, 100 - 0%. In DRL or Off position, the dimmer is 100 and then skips near the bottom to dim.
Thankyou, That seems pretty clear, my interpretation: if it is raining so hard that one requires continuous use of WWs then the Headlights must be on. period. Maybe I did not read it carefully enough, but I saw no reference to DRLs :cheer2:
OK, I stayed late at work tonight… procrastination and deadlines are a deadly mixture… and I drove home after dark, so it was a chance to have the lights on, and test with the DRL on/off. The dimming worked like I thought it should - gradually - when the DRL was in the off position. But I'm not 100% sure it's the DRL switch that's making the difference. I'm wondering if the light sensor on the dash is sending a signal during the day that it obviously wouldn't be sending after dark. So tomorrow, it'll be another test. With all the buttons to push, it'll be a miracle if I don't get pulled over for distracted driving!