Have to watch out for those big truck alligators on the Interstate I once tested the stability control on a rental 2010 Prii late night in Wisconsin. Popped a hill on Hwy 8 and there was a big raccoon sitting right in my lane. One hard left jab to the wheel then a hard right jab and the car went right around said raccoon Of course it scared the hell out of Denise when she woke up and we were in the left lane Mike
Just a regular cargo mat. No PPP mat for it. I got the all weather mats coming to use. I won't be using the PPP mats. I already took them out
Regular that stinks. Are you gonna store it come winter? I seen tons of salt being laid down last winter down there. Sad. Up here the roads are salted even when they are dry and snow/ice free. It is ridiculous how much they use up here. Last winter when I was in Louisville when it barely snowed enough to cover the grass and the roads had piles of salt. I shook my head Mike
Better than sand. Up here, it's sand so it becomes muddy in the spring and it just sticks around all winter (doesn't wash away as easy as salt) plus you get the bonus of a pitted bumper and hood!
Nah. This is my everyday car. I wish I could store it though and just drive it for fun. They do put stupid amounts of salt down on the roads here. It's silly. They act like its going to snow a foot when it barely snows.
It used to be sand here long ago but now it is straight rock salt. It has a slight blue tint to it which seems strange. That is why Denise & I have separate summer & winter vehicles. Can't keep the winter vehicles nice for too long but the summer cars stay new looking. Mike
Then it warms up the same day or the next day and the snow is gone on the roads. I absolutely love Kentucky but the road salt is pretty much as bad as Minnesota. Denise is talking moving to Florida some day. I told her to buy me a house down there and I will take care of it until she wants to move down there BTW, I'll be in Louisville in a couple weeks but driving a rental Swagger My baby will be tucked away in the garage until I get back home Mike
We go down there in rental Prii every February. Around the Clermont area. There is lots of land for sale for little money which would make a nice retirement place to get away from the neighbors. I am so tired of winters. I'll gladly take warmer summers for having no snow or ice in the winters. It would be so nice to keep my summer car out all year 'round. It is tough to take a step back and drive something not so nice in the winter Blah winter vehicle, ugly snow & salt, yuk Minnesota... BTW, I showed Denise your car pic in the dealership and she said he is missing the solar roof :madgrin: Oh well, it looks damn nice even with a naked roof Mike
I wanted the roof but I really need the DDRC more because of all the interstate driving I do. Wish I could have gotten it all.
I hear YA there. Supposedly it is a weight issue and the car not making that magical 50 mpg rating. I say who cares what it does after a customer piles on what they want. Offer all options and let a customer decide. I was torn Five or Four Solar. At first once I decided on a Solar, I was going to go with a Three and fabric seats to keep the car low buck. Then Denise got her hands in on the decision making process and told me I better order what I want as she will not be hearing me say later I wish I had this or that. So I still held back a bit but settled on what I got. One thing I do not like about a Five other than the naked roof is those goofy headlight squirters. I like the smooth bumper without a pair of nipples ound: Oh well, just sitting here posting stuff on eBay so I can cover my payment. That was rule #1 for me that I had to at least cover half of my payment. Our eBay store really took off last winter so now I can cover the whole payment I told Denise she can order herself a Prius next spring. She is goofy nuts about the cars, but no way in hell will she drive mine. She can drive the rental Prii or buy her own :nod: Mike