Surprising, no? This is a combination of three of my posts at where I had learned of this development last week. _________________ Holy cow! Eurostar, the Maryland dealer, is about 12 miles from me! I'm going to try to get over there on Saturday and try to get a test drive. "Just plug in your home outlet and let charge overnight like your cell phone..." !!?? FWIW, here's some comparative specs on the THINK City: (In inches) ……………...… I ……… Smart .… LEAF ….. Think Length ………………….. 144.8 ….. 106.1 ….. 175.0 …….123.7 Width ……………....…..… 62.4 ….… 61.4 ..….. 69.7 ……. 65.3 Height ……………….….… 63.6 …... 60.7 ……… 61 …..… 62.8 Wheel Base ……………...100.4 …... 73.5 …... 106.3……..77.6 ** Max cargo …………...….. 50.4 …… 7.8 …….. 24.0 …….. 19 Curb weight (lbs) …...… 2579 …… 2315 .… 3366 …… 2290/2348 Turning circle (ft) …….… 29.5 ...… 28.7 …… 34 ….……..29.5 ** This doesn't look right if the LOA is 123.7. ____________________________ As to ease of entry, I'm 6' 1", 215 lbs, and I had a companion 6' 2", 265 lbs, and we had no trouble with ingress/egress. I drive an '08 Prius and I'd say access is about the same, maybe slightly easier in the THINK... The insurance difficulties may have to do with air bags. It has only two, driver and passenger. Here's a data sheet they had on insurance. I don't see it as very helpful as it is for the Elkhart, IN area: I'll be posting more info on my visit shortly. Just for fun, here's a short video of a race prepared THINK -- roll cage, racing mirror, passenger seat removed, different tires? -- overtaking and passing what appears to be a Miata on the rain slicked Brands Hatch race course. I know, it doesn't prove a thing, but but the car and driver seem unperturbed by the conditions: Electric Car THINK City EVCUP Edition at Brands Hatch - YouTube! [EDIT] More info on this: "Superb handling is this car's secret weapon. The THINK City has incredible amounts of grip, is exceptionally stable and is very easy to drive fast. The first time I drove a City, I was driving on a test track used by manufacturers to test a cars handling and dynamics. On the city driving circuit, this little car was undoubtedly the fastest car I had ever driven around the route thanks to its incredible poise and handling. The car could cope with sudden changes of direction at speed as quickly as I could turn the steering wheel. Despite its relatively low performance, the top speed only just touches 70mph (112km/h), the THINK City is an astonishingly good car to drive. In Sweden, where the car is now made, it is building a reputation as a rally car and it is quite possibly the best handling small car in the world. For 2011, a race version of the car has been built which will compete in the EV Cup world race series." From: BeGreen Think City Review And, Jay Leno's luke warm review/test drive __________________________ My visit to the Eurostar THINK City dealership in Randallstown, MD. The THINK is an assault on your sensibilities from the very beginning. It is disorienting to see these cars at a dealership whose stock in trade is second hand luxury cars with Ferraris, Maseratis, Mercedes, a Bentley, and even a Acura NSX on the premises. First off it is a small car; only two seats, take it or leave it. (The Euro version of the car does have back seats.) Also, there is the matter of the exterior body panels; they are made of matte finish ABS plastic. They resemble a large Play School toy. My first reaction was, Is this for real? The claimed benefit is that the panels are flexible and absorb and rebound from the inevitable bumps and insults in a closely spaced urban environment. Further, even if deeply scratched, the color is constant, and refinishing is unnecessary. This is either a real world inspired innovation of a short-cut. It can be difficult to remember that the skin of a car, metal or plastic adds little to crash worthiness and survivability. Then there is the matter of the minimalist interior appointments. I'm not talking about equipment, the car has lots of amenities:: "AIR CONDITIONING ...POWER WINDOWS ...POWER MIRRORS... (All extra-cost options on Euro spec cars) AM-FM-CD PLAYER (Sony aftermarket with USB port)… REMOTE KEYS WITH ALARM...REMOTE TRUNK OPENER...CARPET MATS...CUP HOLDERS... CARGO NET" No, I'm talking about the layout and presentation. Think of Scandinavian furniture design extended to a car. I'm talking about a spartan, intentionally minimalist, monk-like simplicity. There are few if any concessions to style. All surfaces are plastic, not even a nod to soft surfaces. There is a glove box shelf, but no door. Window controls are on the center console. Two, fold-out two piece cup holders, one on each side of the center console. The seats are thinish, but firm; and narrow with little or no side bolsters on seat bottom and back. Plenty of leg room for a 6'2" driver/passenger. The cargo space has a flat floor with some storage beneath and two netted cargo pockets on the sides. There is no provision for a pull-out cargo tonneau cover. I did not operate the heating/ air conditioning system. (Note: I was told that here is new, more efficient heater on the way which will be retro-fitted or provided to buyers for installation in the near future.) There is no provision for L3 charging. Depending on your personal tastes, the interior is either super clean, or severely harsh. So, what is this car all about? Purely low cost, no-nonsense transportation over short by conventional ICE car standards distances. If the claimed good weather range of 100 miles is valid, it's range is better than the i(MiEV) and equal to the LEAF. Of course, YMMV. I will admit that I know nothing about international vehicle construction, financing, etc, and the THINK situation in particular, so the following may be a bit confused. Anyway, here's what I think I was told: THINK as a global concern still exists. It has been purchased lock stock and barrel by a Russian entrepreneur. The home office is being moved to Munich. There still is some vestigial THINK USA component in Elkhart (or was that Michigan?) with a warehouse full of parts for repairs, etc. The Eurostar concern purchased 100, 2011 MY cars from THINK. (Ten other cars were purchased by and have been sold by a California concern) These 100 cars are the entire stock of USA 1st Generation THINK City cars. There is an intention to build a larger, more expensive, second generation car at a yet to be built/ identified Asian facility as a 2014 or '15 MY car. The picture I was shown of this car looked exactly like the THINK Ox concept car pictures on the Inter-web: Driving the car: Quiet like the LEAF that I've test driven. No squeaks or rattles. I got it up to 60 on a rolling country road. (Top speed is quoted as 70 MPH. The salesman said he got his car up to 77 MPH, "on a slight downgrade." I had two test drives, one with the salesman, and one with my companion for the day. On the second drive I was let's just say, l little more assertive with my control inputs. I wasn't able to induce a real surge of power either drive from either a full stop or while underway. The car accelerates like it is on the end of a long rubber band. I'd say that the acceleration was not unlike what I ask of my Gen II Prius which I drive for "pretty good" FE for a lifetime, 65K miles, of 50.2 MPGs. The ride was remarkably smooth for the short wheelbase, not unlike the Scion IQ that I test drove recently. Four wheel independent suspension and all that. I wasn't able to find a really broken up or corrugated road surface. (We had a very mild winter this year with little chance for frost heaves or other serious road surface degradation.) The car has two driving modes, D and E. In either I wasn't able to get a clear indication of getting regen or finding a Prius-like "no arrows glide." There is an analog, needle-type power use gauge with a regen range, but I wasn't able to get the needle into the regen range. We did feel a distinctly different feel of forward motion being retarded when I took my foot off the go-pedal when in E compared to D. I'm grudging willing to attribute this matter to my unfamiliarity with the THINK and my go-pedal only regen experience with my Prius. I don't know, maybe all or most of the regen is in the brake pedal circuitry. Last week, Aerostar sold its first three cars, all full cash transactions to members of the Washington DC EV car club. FWIW, there seems to be some issue with conventional vehicle purchase lenders and the THINK. Eurostar hasn't been able to advertise on AutoTrader yet because THINK isn't on their list of USA OEM vehicle manufacturers. They're working on correcting this and expect interest/sales to jump when it has been accomplished. Maintenance and service? First service is due at 40K miles. It's mostly a brake system check. No mention of HV battery check. Where this would be done for buyers from other areas wasn't made clear. Parts? Some of the unidentified parts under the hood were clearly marked FoMoCo. But whether they are US or Euro spec I can't say. Allegedly there are parts galore "in the warehouse." Actual ready availability remains to be determined. If you have more questions, or need more detailed info/clarification I'm not the one to ask, talk to Eurostar's THINK guru/salesman, Tom Markides at: EUROSTAR AUTOMOTIVE GROUP My companion and I spent an enjoyable and most informative hour and a half at Eurostar. Every question that I asked was answered without hesitation or apparent evasion. At no time did I fell like I was getting a run around. I just have to say again that information about the current situation vis-a-vis THINK International, THINK USA, and future development was way over my head. Disclaimers: I have no interest whatsoever, financial or otherwise, in either the THINK City car or Eurostar. I have not independently verified or validated any of the information provided by Eurostar. All observations and opinions are solely mine alone, made without any offer of reward or compensation.
Always seemed a strange business plan. Let's make an urban runabout suited for the mean streets of a European city where parking is an issue and fuel is expensive and then sell it in America where small, sparten cars don't sell very well. Just hoping that because it was electric they could sell is a little short sighted. The one colour panels would work here where city cars get knocked and banged all the time when parked. It's the same not thought out nonsense that some American car companies have when they try to sell their cars in the UK but forget that one important issue - we drive on the left so only buy RHD cars. A LHD car however nice will not sell, yet they keep trying to sell them here . I guess something similar applies with this Think City. The moral - know your product and your market.
Really, they can't be bothered to change the steering wheel side? Even at $15k after taxes that's a hell of a lot to spend on a new technology from a brand new company.
You wouldn't believe it! Some American companies such as Jeep imported RHD Jeeps in the early 1990's and they were a hit at the time - before fuel prices went through the roof. But you get companies like Chevrolet or Cadilac who obviously saw the success of Jeep and decided to try and sell some of their wares here. But just didn't bother to put the steering wheel on the right side (literally) and then wondered why they struggled to sell in double figures. I think Cadilac realised too late and did try and sell rhd but then gave up after about 12 months. Chevrolet still try and sell the Camero or Corvette in LHD form and wonder why they're not selling many. Here's the latest uk Chevrolet website for the Camero to prove; Camaro Coupé & Convertible (note comment after first paragraph) They may as well not bother. It would be impossible on our narrower roads to safely overtake in one of those and the insurance rates reflect this. So the moral is - check your market.
The $22,500 price does not include any tax credits or rebates: Discontinued 2011 Think City Electric Cars For Sale: $22,300
The Indianapolis police department bought one for their in case you are thinking about brreaking the law here...ultimate unmarked//marked cop car!
oh em gee expensive, really 35,000 pounds, the 1SS or 2SS with the same motor here start at about $33,000 !
The reality: The perception: The result: I would think it would be relatively easy to collar a suspected perp when he/she is ROFL. YMMV
FWIW, more info from a third drive and Owner/User Manual Seats: they are decidedly firm. I was confused, there are seat edge bolsters on seat bottom and back. What I remembered as narrowness was the bolsters agaist my lower back. There is no lumbar support adjustment, seat back angle is adjustable. The seats have high squarish corners. Don't know where the passenger seat back release is located. No vertical/tilt adjustment. At 6' 1", I had ~2" excess headroom with seatback relatively upright. * Steering wheel is up-down adjustable, but not in/out. * Power windows with switches, one for each window, on the center console. Only work when car is ON. No auto up/down on drivers window. * Two, folding, two-part cup holders on passenger side of center console. * Brake and go-pedals pivot from up under the dash. * FWIW, brake pedal is huge, about 4" x 5" -- to minimize pedal confusion caused false "unintended acceleration? * There may be some slight center-ward displacement of the brake/go-pedals. But if so, it is no more than in my Gen II Prius. * Rear hatch is one-piece glass without exterior frame. There are horizontal stripes of black paint on interior, probably to block headlight glare from behind. * Steering is "ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC POWER ASSIST." The steering wheel appeared to be slightly larger diameter than my Prius. I had no trouble cranking the steering wheel from stop to stop. Don't know how many turns, but the steering felt roughly twice as quick as my Prius. * The go-pedal was easily modulated to get slow speeds in forward and reverse. * Motor whine is greater than the LEAF. Aftermarket sound deadening on floor and firewall may reduce this -- but why not go all the way and do roof and doors too? * I did two U-turns on my third drive and I was surprised at the tightness. I think the advertized 29' 5" turning circle is correct. * I was told the suspension bits are from Renault/Nissan. * Motor/gearbox is watercooled, 50/50 distilled water/"Prime" coolant. * THINK City is not designed for temperatures under -13 degF. * THINK City is not designed to pull a trailer or other vehicles. * Wheels: Alloy, 6x14, offset 0.94", bolt circle 4", center hole 2.56" Outer face of wheel spokes rim appear virtually flat, perfect for flat aero covers. * Tire: 165/65R14, Michelin Energy Saver As to charging, the Manual says: Voltage:.....400 VDC Stored power/capacity:........23,0 kWh / 70 Ah Weight:......630 lb Self discharge level:.....Ca. 4 W Charging time:...... 0 - 100% approximately 8 hours Above estimate is valid when charging from a 15 A /240V main outlet at above 60° F (15 °C) ambient temperature. Estimate 25% more charging time when using a 10 A main outlet. Charging voltage:120V / 60 Hz or 240V / 60 Hz (Preferred) Charging current:.....10 A / 15 A