So, the Prius four that I thought was mine was double-booked, so her twin is apparently "at port" and will be on location in 2-3 weeks. What does "at port" mean? The salesperson thought yesterday that this car was still being built, but "at port" can't mean in Japan and scheduled to be on location in 2-3 weeks. Port must mean somewhere on the west coast of the U.S.? Sorry--just trying to make travel plans to pick up the car--the local dealers just want to pussyfoot around. But these reservations fill up so I'm trying to get a better understanding.
Given you are in Nebraska, this suggest it MIGHT be on the west coast, as it will have to go through customs and then be trucked over.
port could mean port-of-entry, or U.S. Customs It could also mean the port of departure, which would be Japan. Freight gets moved rather quickly, then sits waiting to be inspected for importation. Over-the-road transportation happens quickly also. I'd expect much less than a week for a car to go across the country