- People who talk on cellphones near me - politically correct - obeying laws because "it says so" - mayonnaise - most kinds of seafood - whining - gas prices - waiting for those that are late - waiting in general - creaking plastic noises in my Prius h34r:
1. "Look-at-me" noise that intrudes on my space, especially throbbing cars with a gazillion watts in the trunk and Hogs 2. "reality" TV 3. rampant objectification of females in pop culture, down to the age of Jon Benet 4. celebrity-oriented media hype, e.g., Michael Jackson, J-Lo, "supermodels" 5. uneducated voters 6. junk mail and spam 7. limp handshakes and averted eyes 8. waste, especially non-recyclable plastics (e.g., Swiffer) and food 9. people (and their kids) who pick up something to eat while shopping, eat part of it, then set the uneaten part down somewhere else before checking out 10.the part of the egg that looks and feels like a wad of snot
-Hate people who drive 45 miles an hour in the fast lane -Hate drivers talking on their cell phone while driving all distracted -Hate cement trucks in front of me on the frwy -Hate California Highway Patrol officers in the HOV lane. -Hate Ghetto cars, because I know they have no car insurance -Hate flashing billboards because everybody has to slowdown to read the billboard -Hate Hummers in front of my Prius on the frwy -Hate drivers who make a train while turning left on a red signal -Hate chain restaurants during long drives across the state. -Hate LAPD on the frwy holding up traffic -Hate LA County Sherriff Department on the frwy holding up the traffic -Hate camera lights at intersections -Hate semi-trucks flipped over on the fwy and causing another traffic jam -Hate people who can't tie down their items in back of their truck -Hate parking meters which expire right after you put a few quarters in it -Hate confusing parking signs -Hate migrant workers aproaching my Prius, thinking they will get a day job. -Hate shopping carts -Hate giant speed humps and bumps -Hate drivers who cut into my lane on the frwy and really slow down -Hate wanabee looking Nascar stickers on a nice Japanese and European car -Hate people who really can't drive in the rain -Hate Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) school bus exhaust smoke -Hate MTA bus drivers merging their large bus into my car car lane -Hate 24 hour traffic jams in L.A. -Hate Mexicans Americans who display Mexican flags in their car -Hate people who take their sweet time walking across the cross walk -Hate drivers who throw any trash out of their car window -Hate really long signals -Hate premium gas -Most important, hate Prius drivers who don't know about Priuschat
Oh my, aren't we a hateful bunch. I hate the over use of the word HATE thereby watering down it's true meaning (sort of the same thing happening to Love) HATING is damaging to the health of the Hater, not the Hatee. I dislike most everything everyone else hates.
Hatred is a poison in the system. LA Freeway seems to have so much hatred in his heart that he must be doing himself a mischief. I'll bet he hates to be reminded of this.
i hate when my experiments go so long it's freaking 4:30 before i get a chance to have a bite to eat! and i also hate it when i have to redo something i just did because the first condition wasn't good enough for THE BOSS... don't get me started on the boss today.
Ok, who's REALLY an educated voter? I don't think it's possible to know enough about a candidate to make a really informed choice. No matter how informed you are, I think it's still 40-60% chance... I HAAAATE that. Few things are more annoying than MALES with limp handshakes. Conversely, I'm always impressed when females have a nice firm handshake... (amongst other things... )
No, more like posts like these... oh, btw, I've been obsessed with Preacher comics... Can't put them down...
Dear Oxo, You don't know me! Have you heard of Ying and Yang? I also have much likes and loves in my life, which brings me plenty of balance and happines into my life. I am not a hateful person as you may think. Plus, just to let you know, this thread is not really a serious thread in the first place. You might want to look at the I like thread, Oxo.
the only thing i really hate is people who choose to hate technology without even trying to understand how it will benefit them and their families lives. too many times, a person gets frustrated after messing with it for 3 minutes... as soon as the littlest thing goes wrong, they toss it, saying IT is stupid...
I really dislike people that are mean on the road simply because I drive a hybrid- all the rednecks and their big lifted chevy's that see Princess comin and cut her off, and slow down, blowing smoke all over! I REALLY dislike getting flashed all the time at night because people think my brights are on! I also do not like rude, dishonest, and "user" type people... LA FREEWAY- Sounds like you need to get the heck out of LA!
too add to my last response- I am SO tempted to "steal" my mom's HID headlights from her '05 LMAO I know- what a bad son! But she'll never know muahhhaha
I'll try to keep my negativity to a minimum...there's not much out there for me to truly hate although I do dislike plenty of things. *I hate traffic *I hate spiders *I hate ignorance/blatant stupidity *I hate impatience My 'I like' list is a lot longer though.
I hate it when people settle for something less than what they really wanted, just because some corporate entity tried to limit their choice. If you want a #4, go where you can buy a #4. Don't buy-into it and become some corporate wank's statistic.
I hate trendy advertising crap. The latest one is “Solutions.†It’s now gotten to the point of ACME Solutions this, and freakin’ Business Solutions that. [Yes, there actually are ACME Solutions!] For more examples: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=s...ons&btnG=Search Look for it in your everyday life. I bet these people were all trying to “think outside the box.â€
I dislike persons oblivious to everything and everyone around them. I dislike persons who will not take responsibility for their actions. I dislike persons who blame others for their own actions I dislike lawyers I dislike NASCAR, it's wastefulness, and it's redneck followers. I dislike people who cannot keep a vow or promise (i.e. - ex-wife) I dislike people who lie I dislike people who steal I dislike "driving law hypocrites" (i.e. - choosing at random which ones to obey and telling others which ones they should obey) I dislike wastefulness - whether it be time, resources, ...anything that is wasted. I dislike unecessary costly car repairs I dislike obese people - and I'm talking ones who CAN help it and CAN do something about it. With that comes the handicapped parking so they don't have to walk as far, therefore helping them get even more obese. I dislike rampant consumerism. I AVOID People and things that I dislike I AVOID people filled with HATE. Hate is a strong, ugly word.