I've noticed that whenever I navigate to a destination, the Nav unit will state "destination is ahead on the left ( or right)", but it is ALWAYS incorrect. If it says " destination is ahead on the right", the actual destination will be on the left, and vise versa. Has anyone else noticed this? It is wrong 100% of the time on my unit. Funny thing also is that the flag on the map IS correct, just the voice direction is reversed.
I have the same issue, it even happens when the Nav unit is telling me to exit the highway. "Stay left" when it really means "Stay right"... very confusing.
I used to have a similar problem in the navigation would tell me to take the next right, when it meant left. I would blindly follow and then it would recalculate. I would wonder why and get upset and then be along my way. But after this happening a couple times I would hear a direction and then check, sure enough the nav gave me the wrong direction, but if i hit the map button to hear the direction again the nav would give me the right directions.
Mine is working fine and I don't think it has ever messed up once and we are using it for every trip as we just moved to San Diego.
To clarify, mine works fine during the entire trip. It's just the very end when it tells me "destination is ahead on the right (or left) that is always reversed. Its really confusing. It even does it when I navigate to my home which is on the left side of the street. It always says "you've reached your destination...on the right". Every time, always wrong! But if I look at the map, the flag showing my destination is on the left where it belongs. I'm guessing it's a software bug...or I'm losing my mind.
Where abouts in SD are you? I have only managed to spot a couple of C's so far since we got ours in March.
I'm actually in South OC, but work a couple days a week in San Diego. I've only seen one other "c" on my commutes. Great drive heading south on the 5!
Is there a calibration for the system? Perhaps something is off on the GPS but I'm drawing at straws...