RetroFit OEM Fog Lights to house TRS Projector Beams

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Accessories and Modifications' started by goodtimes, Feb 19, 2012.

  1. wick1ert

    wick1ert Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2009
    2010 Prius
    Here's my update, since I finally got some time to work on the first step.

    I got the new setup installed on the car today. The passenger side would not light, which was weird because when I tested the driver side one, both sides worked (the passenger still had the old setup). It's not the bulb, because I took it to the driver side, and it turned on. I'm thinking it's a bad ballast on the passenger side at this point.

    Since they're the DDM ones, I'd be surprised if it's not the problem. So, when I got home, I looked at the TRS ballasts, but then I saw the price! I decided that I'd just get a Xentec one on eBay for $12. I can go through 10 of those for the price of one from TRS. After I ordered the one from TRS, I'm in my garage and see a spare on I had in there! My goal is next weekend to get my car up on my ramps (I was at a friends today doing them without ramps, what a PITA!) and replace the ballast to see if that fixes the problem.

    I still have to install the OEM switch in the car, but that's also a next weekend project.

    On a good note, I was walking with my friend today, and we got a free $20 that was blowing in front of us. I did the "money dance" to step on it, because the winds out here are FIERCE today!

    Once I get that passenger side working, I'll have to get some pictures with the bulbs on, esp since that will help allow me to align them as much as I can. Unfortunately, the blazers wouldn't easily mount to the ebay setup because it uses screws that go into the side of the projectors. The blazers didn't appear to have screw holes on the sides, or I'd do a simple swap on them. If I'm satisfied with the cheapo ebay projectors, I'll put the rest of the stuff up for sale on here. Someone with fogs will have a simple retrofit, someone without will have all the materials to do an install, except the proper bezels and ballast - maybe on the ballast if I end up using the one I found tonight and don't need the xentec one.
  2. wick1ert

    wick1ert Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2009
    2010 Prius
    Ok, here's an update:

    I got new ballasts and had the same problem. I unplugged a relay and plugged it back in and things started working. So, that's that. Here's some pictures using the ebay projectors - I haven't even got to the Blazers yet, but I've started thinking I might be able to make them work without doing the retrofit. I just need some spacers or something to bend around the projector or something to make it work. If I just use spacers and new screws & nuts, then the Blazer will be at the bottom of the cover, which could look weird. I might just retrofit and call it a day anyway.

    So, here's the pics....

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