Update: reviving zombie post, found solution -- I stuck my phone down by the electric motor and recorded this while the car was running: My '06 has been making this odd noise coming from the front of the vehicle. It's coming from somewhere under the hood on the right side (the driver's side), and I think it's under or next to the electric motor. It happens when warmed up, and only when the vehicle is turned on. It doesn't seem to be related to the ICE, because the noise happens regardless if the ICE is running or not. In fact it happens rarely, so when I heard it I jumped out and tried to locate it (and recorded it with my phone). Originally I thought it was my water pump but that got replaced with the recall and it didn't help. My suspicion is that it sounds like a pump, perhaps a coolant pump. I used to hear a pump running after I turned off the car, but I no longer hear that. Other than that noise, there are no warning lights or any other issues with the car. Any ideas? Thanks
Thats odd. It sounds like the inverter. Mine sounds a little like that only without the clicking. How's the traction battery state of charge looking? You state water pump recall...do you mean the Inverter coolant pump under the brand new recall or the ICE water pump? It may be the brake accumulator also. You can make that bark a little by stepping on and off the brake pedal. So many noises going on under there. Does it do it when your just in "accessory" mode or does it have to be in ready.
' I just had that new water pump recall done a couple weeks ago, the one were they flushed the coolant. As for when I hear it, it seems to be when it's in Ready mode, and it's been warmed up for a while. I don't hear it when I start it in the morning, only after I've driven it for a while. I don't think it's anything brake related (I hope not!), because I wasn't in the driver seat pushing the brakes when I recorded it. The car was just in Park and I was under the hood at the time. As for the battery, it seems to work fine. It still goes all the way to green bars when charged up. It's got nearly 130,000 miles, though, so I don't know. Isn't there like a thermal container near the front bumper that cycles the hot coolant out when the vehicle is turned off, and back in when turned on? I used to hear a long whining noise (when the car was newer) after a minute or so after I turned it off. I thought that was some kind of pump, but I don't hear that sound anymore.
Yes, and since the strange noise seems to come from the same general area, the coolant storage bottle pump may be the culprit. Note that the pump does not run every time after the end of drive depending on the temperature - if the coolant in the bottle is already hot via circulation during driving then there is no need to run the pump. Just my 2 cents. Good luck!
Update from the future! Well, in case anyone else encounters this issue. Turns out it was a faulty 12V battery. Only took 2 years to find out: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...ze-slowly-decreasing-mpg-2006-160k-miles.html
I see you have it diagnosed correctly. I just posted on another thread about "clicking sound coming from the engine". My Prius had that clicking sound for a few weeks before the 12V battery died. The mechanic told me that is a warning sign that the battery is about to go. Unfortunately, that was only 6 months ago and now the new battery is causing the same clicking again, so it's back to the shop!