Hold down Trip when in odometer mode. If you're in Trip A or Trip B display, holding down Trip will reset your trip mileage. Couldn't even find this in the manual, just stumbled upon it one day when fiddling around with all the buttons
Oh jeez. I'm used to a km/h-mph button on the other Prius models. Thanks! Thanks! Spent 5 minutes in the car just looking for it. Gotta keep up that "Expert" badge, ya 'know!
Im getting between 3.7 and 4.2 in the city driving daily for 27km. Highway is more 4.8 to 5.2 depending on hills. Im getting very weird readings if I start the car and drive for only 3 mins. It says my l/100k is 14... Every time I turn off and restart the car, it resets the "from start" l/100k to 15. Any one know why?
Just picked up my Prius c from Nanaimo Toyota yesterday. Driven about a 100km so far and averaging between 3.7 and 4.0 l/100km. Drove 24km to work with 60% highway driving and a few steep hills and averaged 3.7 on the trip. Gliding and careful acceleration are my main tricks.
Well, I drove the all city route of my previous 24km 60% highway trip. Finished with 2.8 L/100km which works out to 84 MPG (I prefer converting into MPG). Can't wait to have to fill up and hand calculate my average (on-board computer says 3.9 L/100km). Only one problem, it's taking forever run out of gas (Ha). 532km and just under half a tank of gas.
These numbers are unreal! I'm still trying to get my first 3.7L/100km tank (that's what the 2010 Prius is rated for in the city). Best I could is 4.0L/100km over 950km. You're right, it takes forever to empty the tank!
Just passed the 2000km mark on my Prius c. I'm only doing so-so fuel economy wise (from my sig you can see I'm averaging 5.3 L/100km right now), but I think that's because I've been driving in normal mode and didn't really change my habits much from my non-hybrid driving experience. Yesterday I increased my tire pressure from the rated 32/29 to 40/38 (16" tires). I just did a short 7km drive (all city) and got a fuel economy score of 3.4 L/100km! I'm trying ECON mode now too, so maybe that made a difference.
wongnog, for your short 7km trip...was the car already warmed up from a previous, recent trip? That can account for some of it. The warm weather now hitting Ontario and your tire inflation change all combined may explain the difference in mileage too. but congrats none the less!
Yes the car was warmed up already as I was out doing shopping. This tank is currently tracking at 4.8 L/100km, but I'm only two bars below full so still got a way to go.
Tell me how you did it!!!! What were your driving conditions? Are you driving below 40 km/h or something?
I am assuming that sjb110 acheive this by driving over 90% city with very few hills and lots of time in ev mode using the glide technique. I'm guessing this because I have a similar commute that is 23km and a slight decline one way. I also never exceed 70kph on my commute. Going the way with the slight decline I have achieved 2.8 L/100km consistently (using gliding, slow starts, slowing early to lights, etc). On the return i'm going up a slight incline (same way) so my EV time is much lower. I consistently get 3.8 L/100km going this way using all the same techniques. Best thing you can do is try to drive at slower speeds as much as you can getting into that EV zone, but also using the gas engine every so often to recharge the battery. Also limit the use of regenerative braking or any braking. I read somewhere that people buy the Prius for regen braking but for the best fuel economy you must limit the use of it (Paradox). I suggest brake early and try to time it so the light turns green and you are still rolling and can maintain your speed through the light (possibly in the EV zone?) Anyways, still haven't drained my first tank yet. 725km so far with roughly 8-10 litres left in the tank (3 bars). I believe I'm somewhere between 3.7-3.9 L/100km average so my on-board display seems pretty bang on. Will let you all know when I fill up how it turns out.
I'm finding the "glide" a bit difficult to achieve on the c. It doesn't seem to be as easy as it appears in that famous youtube video for Gen 3 driving techniques. I can rarely get the Energy Monitor display to show no arrows, so instead I've been using the ECO display. What I've been trying is to accelerate to the desired speed, release the accelerator, and then lightly depress the accelerator so that no bars appear in the blue battery charging area and no green is showing in the energy consumption area. Is this gliding? I find there is a very narrow window there before the EV mode kicks in. Any tips?
Don't worry, you're doing it right. The energy monitor, in my mind, is useless compared to the ECO display. The ECO display gives quicker feedback to your driving conditions. Your aiming for the right area with no blue or green showing. Its okay to have a sliver of green showing (I tend to let a little sliver of green show because I know for sure I'm not in regen which slows me down). Also when driving in the EV zone (with the EV indicator glowing) try to avoid the filling up the EV zone bar. It drains the battery quickly and doesn't give much more pulling power. Anything between 3/4 and nothing in the EV zone is usually fine (I try for no more than 1/2). The only time I break that rule is if I'm close to my destination and trying to run solely on EV. This is only what I am finding, I encourage you to find what works best for you.
I had mine at 1.8L/100km today, fairly long drive over a decline, and a number of other downward hills. Lowest I've ever seen it. But there have been other times (ie Downtown flat & slow speeds) I've had low two's. No trouble to get the rated 3.5 under ideal conditions and driving it "correctly" Really loving the car & fuel mileage! Big improvement over my previous car the Dodge Caliber.
Here in Quebec, I got 5.2 average after 4 fills up. Last tank was my best with 5.0 liter\100. Love this car!
I still haven't been able to get under 3.0L; so what you guys are doing is impressive. Thanks for the tips jamesguy13.