Hello fellow canucks! I'd like to start a fuel economy thread for my fellow Canadian Prius c owners. In particular, I'd like to see if others are getting the posted 3.5 L/100 km city and 3.7 L/100 km combined ratings, and how they compare to the US ratings. I've only owned my car 5 days now, but I went on a road trip this long weekend and surprisingly my fuel gauge started blinking after only 600km on the odometer. I ended up filling up 33.821 L at 608 km, or 5.56 L/100 km. This works out to only 42.3 mpg. This is my first time driving a hybrid car, so I'm trying to get used to all the EV, ECO, and POWER indicators. Let's see if I can achieve better with my next fill up!
I don't think you'll be getting 3.7L/100km at 120km/h down the DVP or 401 . But again, the car is new and you need to break in the tyres, the engine and the driver . You should be able to get closer to 5.0 or 5.1L/100km on the highway at 110km/h (I'm thinking maybe 4.7L/100km at a constant 100km/h?)
You may get those kind of numbers combined but not on steady free-way unless you keep your speeds around 100 kph. I just returned from a 55,000 kilometer trip with my 2006 Prius and when I returned home my car indicated 4.6 per 100 kilometers. H
IIRC something to take into account is that Canadian mileage ratings are done differently than the U.S. and do not usually reflect actual real life mileage numbers. I think Canadian numbers are done under ideal lab conditions where the U.S. does lab and road testing. If I recall the U.S. EPA ratings are equivalent to 3.7L/100km city, 4.3 L/100km highway, 4.0L/100km combined. Anyway, I am still breaking in the engine and getting used to hybrid driving habits but as of my latest fill-up I've been getting 4.3L/100km on the trip meter. Today on the way home from work I got 3.6L/100km over 20.3km on a mix of low speed highway (80km/h) and city driving which I am pretty happy about. (Closest I've ever gotten to Canadian mileage ratings!)
Not true. EPA rating is 53/46/50 MPG that is equivalent to 4.4/5.1/4.7 l/100km. This is very close to my average for my first 600km: 4.8. This is also close to the average folks are having as reported at fuelly.com: 51 MPG or 4.6 l/100km. Canada's rating is not connected to reality, but is ok for comparing vehicles.
Whoops my bad! I got all mixed up there. That's my fault for relying on memory. I just wanted to throw the difference out there, especially as the Prius C is getting better than EPA ratings. It'll be interesting to see if the car gets average numbers close to the Canadian rating once it has broken in.
well I have had my c for about 10 days so far and the mileage I can get in the city is incredible. I spend all of my time driving in eco mode so the starts are a little slower and I am not sure what else it does in town. I constantly reset my foot on the gas peddle and the car will go from gas to either electric or charge mod right away, as long as I am not climbing up a big hill. I look ahead at stop lights and try to time my speed to coast to a stop or use my momentum to get through as it turns green. As a result in the city I can get between 2.7 to 3.5L/100km. now the highway is a bigger challenge and I cant seem to figure that one out. I drive the 401 everyday from Waterloo to Mississauga and its mostly downhill on the way there and uphill coming home. I also seem to sense a tail wind to work and a head wind coming back. My average has been 4.2 to 4.4L/100km and I pretty much live in the right lane now. The wind effect is so strong that when I take my foot off the gas, the car does not switch to electric or recharge. Drafting trucks has no real effect, probably because I am at least 4 car lengths behind. So tonight coming home I turned off the eco mod and drove around 100 to 110 and my mileage went to 5.1L/100km Not sure how long the break in period, buts its been a great car so far
When you guys are accelerating from a stop, are you avoiding the red PWR zone on the display? I find I have to for the highway but am having a hard time getting used to it in the city where I am so used to hard accelerations.
I try to avoid the red power zone whenever I can and try to stay within the middle of the upper half of the HSI display during acceleration. There's a treasure trove of threads on the forum for knowing what your car is doing at certain points of the HSI display. The only time I seem to get into the power zone is when I'm accelerating from a dead stop on a noticeable incline or don't have enough room to accelerate gently before hitting a hill. If you're used to hard accelerations It may be you have to force your driving habits into being lighter on the pedal. I definitely had to noticably restrain myself for the first two weeks and found that leaving the car in ECO mode helps break that. I'm currently playing with ECO mode off to see what sort of mileage I'll get and also if it changes the cars characteristics to pulse and glide better versus using ECO mode.
Here's a good thread to read up on the HSI. HSI It may be slightly different because the c uses the hybridized 1NZ- FE engine so there's less torque but the idea should be the same. Follow it strictly and you should be able to achieve the Canadian ratings.
Thanks for the tip guys, I'm trying hard not to be such a lead foot. On my 15km drive home from work today, I was able to get 4.6 L/100 km, which I'm pretty happy with. I think my second tank will be around 4.9 or 5.0 L/100 km.
Wongnog, the link Tideland provided, and this blog I found has a lot of useful info: Mike with a Prius: Prius-ing for Dummies - beginner Prius mileage tips
My last fillup on Saturday got me a calculated 4.1 L/100km with 4.3 L/100km displayed (weird ). This tank looks like its going to break that as well, hopefully closer to 4.0 if not better. Needless to say, I'm very happy with the mileage so far and in surpassing EPA numbers.
Its mostly city driving with moderate hills. The only real "highway" it gets is about five - ten minutes in an 80kph zone. Although it did do a 100kph zone once and I was quite impressed by how the cruise control handled it. With regards to the signature, see the link below from the Fuelly FAQ: FAQ: How do I use a Fuelly forum signature/badge? | Fuelly
The best thing about the new EPA ratings is that they're pretty easy to beat! Btw, does anyone know where the km/h-mph button is? I couldn't find it on the test drive.