Toyota of Yakima - Wayne Gerdes Ride along virtual ride 01 - YouTube Wayne is one serious fella about hypermiling! How good on the car is it to keep doing that neutral thing?
Why put it in neutral? If I just let my foot off the gas it pegs the 100mpg mark anyway. What does putting it in neutral do?
Toa newbie it's easier to put it in neutral. This especially true if the person has a manual transmission car as their normal daily driver. The poor girl was already nervous so she didn't need any esoteric terms thrown at her like glide, HSI, super highway mode, drive with load etc..
"get off the road!" lol.. trying to accelerate off only battery power at every red light in a congested city is somewhat inconsiderate to other drivers. that driver needs to be taught the ideas behind the techniques before actual practice so she won't cause an accident...methinks.
Yup. Video is funny and basics are told in easier way for normal* people. ;-) I would only recommend to instruct other way of holding the steering wheel. Holding it inside while turning is very unsafe. First - very slow in dynamic situations (like slippery road, pedestrian on the road, avoiding accidents). Second - in case of airbag deployment - hand would be broken. Third - using a steering wheel right should be a habit - if it's a habit - it won't fail in emergency situation. * - I don't consider any of aware Prius driver normal in terms of average car driver
Hear, hear! I get better results accelerating briskly to my target speed then gliding when appropriate to the driving situation. I viewed another video yesterday demonstrating pulse and gilde in a Gen II between 37 and 18(!) mph. No wonder people dread sharing the road with us! I managed about 55 mpg working my way up Woodward Avenue in this afternoon's rush hour. This was an experienced crowd I was amongst and they tolerated my gliding towards soon-to-change lights quite graciously (mostly because I had the timing just about right). There's no way I would have subjected them to EV only acceleration to 15 mph.
I tried his eco to 16mph thing tonite and there is NO WAY i could do that around here without being shot or causing an accident. I'll take the mpg loss and live a long healthy life instead.
I cannot do it either. That is why Wayne and the boys from are the masters. It's also why manufactures give him cars to test. Who else could wring 32mpg out of an EcoBoost Ford F-150? Ride along as CleanMPG teaches us how to hypermile a Ford F-150 EcoBoost
I'm not saying I couldn't do it if no other cars were on the road (I could at least attempt it), but in normal traffic it just seems very dangerous.
Thanks! Of course, he runs CleanMPG, An authoritative source on fuel economy and hypermiling and there's This Guy Can Get 59 MPG in a Plain Old Accord. Beat That, Punk. | Mother Jones on him. Didn't know he was doing lessons and such an event. I hope he does one of these events in Nor Cal. I hope I can find some time to watch . Yeah, I wouldn't want to do a lot of the stuff he does w/others behind me on the road. I can only pulse and glide on a short stretch near me and I don't do it when there are people behind me. Yeah, I agree. Yep. I see. I wonder if that's really the reason. I never shift to neutral on my Gen 2 but am able to dead-band glide on it, when needed. Hahaha about the terms. At least I know the terms but if Wayne were to give me a lesson, I think I'd be getting an earful too.
entertaining article. how the heck did he get 180 mpg over a 20 mile course? must've snuck out and pushed the car a couple of miles while no one was looking.
Ha! I love the fact that his first instruction was to put the car in neutral (understanding that this was just for training purposes). I got a lot of grief from the supposed experts on PC, you know the type, that keep spreading myths and falsehoods about how moving in neutral will either damage your vehicle or cause some system failure that would lead to an accident.ound: (Not to hijack this thread but I think it would be great to post a sticky thread that lists all of the misinformation crap that has been posted over the years. No need to name names, just list the incorrect "fact"). :focus: While I hypermile, I don't take it to this extreme because it's waaaay too frustrating for the other drivers on the road.
At the risk of being severely flamed for this goes. These techniques are likely the number 1 cause of so much Prius hate...If I was following someone doing this I'd be pissed...and I drive one...besides, that's way to much like work.
Nah, it's just as annoying as the asshat riding your nice person who then floors it, cuts you off with inches to spare then proceeds to weave in and out of traffic. Or maybe the diesel truck owner who is spewing black smoke 3 cars ahead of you causing you to have to roll up your windows and turn the air on recirculate so you don't inhale his BS. Life is full of annoyances.