Our Sea Glass Pearl PiP was selected out of a large church parking lot with no trees around as a dumping ground for a very large load of bird poop. Do you suppose he/she thought our car was a little lake in the middle of the parking lot because of the color? Anybody else have a similar experience?
I have a Sea Glass Pearl, but I haven't had that experience, even when I've parked the way you describe.
Uhhhhh.....no. Even though you're close enough to Lake Erie (as the bird flies---pun almost unintended) for it to be a water bird, instead of a land lubber, I'm thinking that birds are pretty indiscriminate in their potty habits. If they were water fowl, and if they were smart enough not to take a dump where they get their food, and IF they were to mistake a sea-foam green car for a small body of water, then I would think they would crap somewhere else. Same for the land birds. They have to get a drink somewhere, and not everybody who has cats puts bird feeders and bird baths in their yards for evening entertainment. You were at church.....or at least in a church parking lot. Maybe GOD was trying to say something to you about idolatry, or maybe it was coincidence. Shake it off, wipe it off, and enjoy the car. Best of luck with the new C-model!
I have the Clearwater Blue and can attest to the fact that my car gets pooped on too. It's all about where you park...