My tan seats are a disaster. its amazing. Even water will leave a stain. What do i do? i used some foaming car upholstery cleaner and now its blotchier than ever, but less dirt and cleaner overall, but still looks bad. Anything that you found to work on these super light tan seats?
When I was cleaning the carpet in my house with one of those Rug Doctor rental units, I also rented the upholstery cleaner for a chair we have in the house. I decided to try it on the drivers side seat in my Prius. It worked well and took out those stains and blotches in my tan fabric.
Good idea OldWolf. I think i may take it to the local car wash / full detail place and see if they can do it too. So far nothing 'over the counter' has fully cleaned them. They helped, but not great. And we think we are pretty clean people too. I always vacuum and rarely eat in the car. Just road trips.
I agree that the tan cloth shows the slightest amount of dirt. Also the center armrest fabric is hard to for me keep clean too.
I got some nice seat covers for my '04. Just recently washed them as a matter of fact and it needed it. Can't help but think what have could have been on the seats themselves.
Hi Oldwolf-- I went out and bought the cheapo seat covers from Wal-Mart within a couple days of getting my Prius. And sure enough, they've protected the upholstery from cheese sauce, cat litter, french fries, butts, and whatever else the world can throw at them. The armrest, on the other hand, is already showing signs of dirt after less than two months