I don't see as well as I would like at night if there isn't a lot of light so I avoid night driving whenever possible. It isn't a dangerous situation yet, but ....... I am about to choose either a Pakage #5 or a Package #7, and the main reason for considering the higher package is the self-leveling HID lights. I already have a Garmin handheld GPS that I have been using for several years so the Nav part of Package #7 would be nice, but not a deal maker. What do those of you who already have your '06s with HID lights think of the way they work? They might be the same as the HID lights on the earlier models, but I am not sure. I looked at the light pattern on an '06 today (not able to drive it or see it at night since it is sold) and saw what appears to be a very distinct cut off pattern which I think is intended to keep the light out of an incoming drivers eyes while throwing maximum light on the road? Comments will be most helpful to help me make this decision.
Hi GreenMachine, I picked up my 06 package #6 a few weeks ago, and have not been disappointed with the HID lights. I almost went with a lower package which did not have the HID's, but I had experience with another car that had HID's and really loved it. I think they allow me to see much clearer at night. Is package #6 not available in your area?
I also have bad night vision, and always upgraded lighting on other cars to compensate. I used to import the higher-wattage Euro halogens back in the sealed beam days. I added fog lights (bright ones with a good cutoff), especially for rainy nights, when you can't see much of anything otherwise. I ordered a package with HIDs for this reason. They are brighter and whiter and for the first time in years, I don't feel uneasy driving at night anymore. By the way, I think the pattern in the same on the Prius, whether for HIDs or halogens. You'r eright, it has a sharp cutoff (up and to the left) to prevent glare into oncoming cars.
I think the self-levelling feature would be very useful. Speaking from experience, if you ever put too much weight in the back end, you won't have the high beams lighting the treetops instead of the road...
I've got 'em on my '05. Great illumination. The self-leveling feature seems imperfect, however.. Never hits the treetops, but when I cross a dip (arroyo west of the Rockies) the cutoff at the top of the beam does seem to jump somewhat. Would appreciate other owner's comments if maybe mine are defective.
Genalex, the self leveling lights do not change with the position of the whole car, ie going up and down slopes, but are to compensate for heavy loads in the rear of the car. Going up and down arroyo's would not cause a change. Going up and down arroyo's should be fun; roller coasting effects.
If you're accustomed to xenon/hid projecter beams on higher priced cars, you won't be impressed... however, compared to the standard halogen prius lights they're far superior. I drove both at night and wouldn't have the car without the HIDs
My '05 HIDs light up the road very well, with a nice white light. But because of the sharp vertical cutoff they don't illuminate road signs very well (particularly high ones on the iterstates) unless you turn on the brights, which I believe just points them higher.
I have both self leveling projector HID's and projector halogens. The HID's have an inherent sharp cutoff compared to halogens. However, the HID's are MUCH brighter. I had to adjust the level of my HID's on my wifes RX330 since they were aimed too low from the factory. My wife's HID's now throw much longer without bliding other drivers. Maybe you our the dealership can adjust the aim of the Prius' HID's.
Thank you everyone for the great input. I'm pretty sure now that I'm gonna go up to Package #7 for the HIDs.
I concur. The HID headlights on my wife's BMW seem to illuminate better than my Prius's. Still, the Prius HIDs are better (broader and brighter) than my previous car with halogens.