I'm looking to tint my windows to help deal with the heat, and have been reading a lot of tinting threads on here to get any idea of what brand to get and how much light to let in and how much to spend, but... I read one post somewhere about their dogs scratching the tint on one of the windows. I walk dogs, and while I've done quite a bit to protect my car in any way possible, I am wondering if there's even a point in tinting the windows if they're just gonna destroy it, or if there's a way around it, or a more durable product, etc. I assume at some point a dog is gonna jump up on the door and slice the window with their claws. Any thoughts or advice is appreciated. Thanks, Matt
I have 20% all around and I went with a smoke black - spent $120. Love it, but I do wish it was darker. My previous car has double 5% all around. As for the dogs, sorry, can't help on that one.
I believe windows are tinted on the inside, so if you keep your dog out of the car, you won't have to worry about it. As far as a place to go, I can definitely help you out, provided you live in SoCal.... I've been taking my cars to the same place for years, it's in Huntington Beach, CA: Auto Tint Specialist - Window Tint Huntington Beach Ask for Danny, he will hook you up! I told him that I was referring people to him from this MB and he said he would give them all the same special price he gives me. It's $130 for a Prius and $120 for a Prius V. He also provides a written lifetime guarantee on labor and materials, so you can't go wrong! Anyway, make sure you mention my name "Tim" to get the discount. Post a pic, so we can see how it looks.:rockon:
*looks at Surfdog5's post....* *facepalm* I believe the OP may be referring to the dogs jumping onto the doors from the inside, Surfdog, not necessarily from the outside, as some like to stick their heads out the windows if the windows were propped open for them.
Hey Keiichi? What is the only 100% sure fire way to keep you dog from scratching the tint?????? DON'T LET THE F*CKING DOG IN THE CAR!!!! What part of that advice wasn't clear? You may want to spend less time smacking yourself in the forehead, it's clearly knocked off a few IQ points.
First off... Don't be abusive to other posters. Secondly, he states he is a dog walker, which means he will, on occasion, transport dogs in the car to a dog park to walk the dogs. Hence this suggestion is not really necessarily an option.
Thanks. I think I'll just figure out a way to rig it so their claws can't make it to the windows before I get them tinted. Hmmm. *Italics=sarcasm.
Only thing I can think of is to put 'socks' on the dogs, of course, most of them will do what any dog never having them before, try to chew them off. What kinds of dogs are you dealing with, cause some of the larger ones will just push their heads out, the smaller ones would be the ones trying to jump up, and with that, you could probably put some sort of 'step' near the arm rests to not encourage them to jump-claw the windows, but jump onto the step so they can reach the open window.
Yea, I would say maybe rig a 'bench' or a step bench for the rear section then, that might be your only option with the smaller dogs. I am sure you can block off the window controls and you control the windows in the front to adjust for them.
What about some pet friendly screen and something like Velcro to hold it in place. They do make softpaws for dogs but it would be difficult if not impossible to manage on client dogs. Crate the small ones? W
I would think the screens would be somewhat counter intuitive when most dogs tend to stick their muzzle out or would push against it. As for crating them, I think some owners might have issues with it, but hard to say.