I hope you enjoy my wifes purse which was completely empty. Breaking a cars window in a school/church parking lot in broad daylight is an epic fail on so many levels...not to mention the fact there are two car seats completely visible. We were lucky that we lost nothing of value, but the poor woman three cars down was not so lucky...her purse contained everything, credit cards, identification and money. She was inconsolable. Karma is a bitch, and I am sure you will get yours Mr. Thief. Folks, remember to not leave anything visible in your car that may attract a thief...this happened in a nice neighborhood, in a church parking lot. And because the V is so new...Safelite does not have the glass in inventory. Our dealer is most likely going to order the part for us. Such a bummer. Safelite did come out and clean up the mess and put a film over the window...
Hope you get something a little better that cellophane, it's going to rain here in LA 1/2"-1" Wednesday night ! Losers do not care where they step into your life, they just screw with everybody!
Cellophane is temporary...hoping to have it fixed ASAP...it is garaged so we will just drive my Prius.
That's too bad. A couple years back I had a Back-Pack stolen out of my vehicle. It resulted in my having to change all my banking accounts, it was a pain. There's a psychological aspect to being a victim of theft, even if nothing of great value is taken. At least you can vent here. You know it may not of changed outcome. But I think car alarms without impact sensors are almost worthless. Not that an alarm going off, if glass is broken guarantees anything, but it's almost the baseline needed. Most of these guys don't want to get caught, and if it's a choice between a vehicle with an alarm...and a vehicle without one? You're right about not leaving anything visible. I usually kept my Back-Pack hidden in the hatch, under the cover....the day It got stolen I made the mistake of quickly just throwing it in the back-seat. Never again. I never leave anything visible anymore.
Wow that sucks, really sorry. Hopefully insurance will take care of it. FYI - If you have window tint, it makes the glass really hard to break in, almost impossible actually. The film holds the glass shards together. Also, tint makes things harder to see inside of course.
Karma would be this beast buying a bad batch of crack with the money he did get off the other poor woman 3 cars down. Thankfully no one was hurt and although I know it can be a pain in the butt, everything can be fixed.
I'm sorry this happened but trash will find a victim anywhere. We had a bunch of neighborhood kids doing this in a nice neighborhood. They got so cocky they set a car on fire for fun not realizing it was an unmarked police car. Oops! Karma on that one. We had a rock put a ding in the windshield. Before safelight came out the silly thing cracked 3/4 of the way through. Safelight show up to replace it, removes the cracked one only to find they brought a lift back windshield. So they pieced the old one back in for a week. Expect at least 5-7 days for your part if it was anything like our experience. W
Oh, no! I cannot STAND people who have no regard for other people's property. Besides the theft, the total disregard about the trouble, time, money, and aggravation it will be for you to get that window replaced!
"Folks, remember to not leave anything visible in your car that may attract a thief...this happened in a nice neighborhood, in a church parking lot." 100% agree!!
Thanks everyone! Dianne Whitmire @ Carson Toyota comes through again!!! Safelite was unable to get the window, but Dianne is ordering one for us!
Might want to recommend putting some tint on those back windows too. Makes it harder for people to look in and see what's there for the future and given you are in LA and your car being broken into while probably out in the sun, I know the summer will be brutal later in that car for you
I am not very familiar with the V. Does it come with an alarm system? If so did the alarm go off when the glass was broken? Sorry for your loss. That happened to me before. Not enough nice people in this world.
The Prius cars in general don't have an alarm system. You have that as an accessory. But sadly, alarm systems don't do jack, cause most people either ignore it... Or when a thief breaks a window, they grab and run. By the time the alarm does anything, the thief is gone with whatever they stole. Your better bet is to have a lojack or a kill-switch system, which will help in the situation of actual grand theft, where someone steals the car instead of what is in the car. A kill-switch prevents people from driving off with the car, but the stuff and hardware that can be stripped can be stripped. Lojack, on the other hand, if someone steals the car, there is a chance to recover it, short of the whole stripping the car where it is. Either way, it is up to you, I know Lojack is a bit more than the VIP System, but I honestly believe that as Noelty has shown, people will break into a car and dash before people would do much about the alarm.
Thankfully your children and wife are safe. Thievery is an affront to everything we hold dear as a society and individual people of integrity. Be comforted in the fact that you and your family understand and embody those values, and feel sorry for the individual(s) who have so little self worth to engage in such vile behavior.
I was a freelance sports photog for some local papers. Returned late from an event a friday night, and was shooting all day saturday...so I left my bags in the car in my very quiet and secure neighborhood. The look on the cops face, he kept asking me over and over again "eight thousand bucks? really?...are you sure? eight thousand bucks?"
I too am a photographer, and never leave my gear in the car...ever!!!! I would die if my Pelican filled with bodies lenses and lights were stolen...ugh! I feel for you!
Unfortunately, thieves do not have boundaries. Church parking lot is a prime location for thieves because they know exactly the time frame when to owners will be away from the car + they are aware that church goers will be preoccupied during the service. I'm more concerned about vehicle theft than vehicle break-ins for grab and go, hence, I didn't opt to pay extra for the alarm because our V comes with an engine immobilizer which is a state-of-the-art anti-theft system. I know it's a frugal route but I"m planning to install one of those blue LED blinking light to visually deter would be thieves out there.