May the traffic be light, the temperature be mild to warm, the roads be dry and smooth, and the wind be behind your back.
Nice MPG! My best so far is 66.8 MPG for a 34.7 mile trip at an average speed of 41 MPH. My best tip in slower traffic is to use Normal Mode and accelerate up to traffic speed using the ICE and then maintain using EV (not mode) by re-stepping on the accelerator. You'll be shocked how far you can go!
Mostly city with streets that have a 40 to 45 speed limit. Right now there weather is nice and warm about 70 degrees. I have to say that 25 out of the 75 miles were driven on the freeway. I will try to avoid freeway as much as I can though.
The true test is to get 60 plus calculated mpg for a 600 mile or plus tank with real world average mph. I believe anyone can get over 60 mpg with a Prius at 30-40 mph.
On a trip in the summer from fillup to fillup I achieved 58 mpg, calculated, that is about a 300 mile trip. This is real world driving keeping up with traffic speed on highways between 40 to 60 mph. I can assure you that if I drive the Prius at 30-40 mph on a trip for over 600 miles I would get over 60 mpg. But in the real world this is not possible..
OMG....I feel insignificant now... haha Any tips or advice that you would like to share on how to achieve 70 mpg?
This is what the car is capable of, given some "ideal" conditions. 1) Keep your top freeway speed low (55 - 60 mph). 2) Keep your tires inflated (near max PSI). 3) Don't tailgate. (allows you to anticipate stops because you can SEE what traffic is doing in front of you. 4) Don't have short trips (not always a possibility, but I had little if any short trips on this tank, just my ~35 mile one way commute to work (and back).
WOW. That's freaking amazing! I will strive to be like you and all these other high avg MPGers on this forum.
Hi gang, I took this picture because I may never see this mileage again. I can't post the image directly because I used up my allotted space posting car pictures while playing the "a game called cars" game. The picture can be seen at:
nice MpGs good luck with increasing it. my best long trip was 61.1 mpg over 490 miles, indiana to wisconsin and back. Codyroo is a badass
Agree Sort of fun to play the mpg game. I have gotten a high of 68mpg in a commute in my first days with my Prius. But then I was a reason for some of the Prius haters. Now I am getting 55-60mpg in my commute to work, while being more road friendly. In a pervers way I like pulling up to those that blow pat me, and shoot a dirty look at me as they pass, to only wave at them when I pull up to them at the next traffic light. Sadly they don't see the cost of their behavior on their wallet or stress levels.
Hahaha at you being the cause of prius hate. I feel like sometimes I'm the cause too. My bf is always talking about how slow I drive now, my response, "I don't want to hurt my MPGs!" I finally got my consumption to show 56.7mpg yesterday with about 250 miles on my Trip A and then we went driving around the city for errands and it was raining hard and by the end of our trip I was back down to around 54.8mpg. I was so mad!! And his response, "You're still doing better than most cars out there!" My response, "I don't care, I want it higher, 54 is too low!! I'm trying to hit 60!" LOL. I'm on power mode a lot nowadays just because the acceleration isn't as slow and I don't feel like people are giving me the evil eye as they tail me after a light turns green... lol.