Yesterday drove our new P III from dealer to home. Had 4 miles on odometer. Thru city traffic, rural laners, interstate, one mountain pass at 3022 feet another 2 mini passes at 2672. Basically from the horrible weather of the coast to the wonderful weather of Yakima. Varied speeds for the entire trip. Chose 55-60-70-75 mph. Every 15-20 minutes I'd change speeds for engine break-in purposes. 120 miles of it on cruise. First 2/3 of trip got 47.8 mpg. Last 1/3 got 50.4 Not bad, really. Not bad at all.
CONGRATS on your new ride! When we bought our '08, we had to make a road trip just a day-or-two later ... about 360 miles to-and-from Dayton, Ohio. Mithril averaged "only" 46.8 mpg for his first fill-up. It seems you're off to a great start ... and ENJOY!
Seattle had horrible weather yesterday? I didn't notice while pedaling around in the wonderful sunny weather. From your distance and pass elevations, you could also have purchased a bit south in Tacoma or Puyallup. Was their weather different than ours? Anyway, congrats on the car, and welcome to the club.
Thank you Son Of Gloin. Chip L - gonna do the fuelly thing. fuzzy1 - DID buy in Puyallup, was lower price by $612 over Yakima dealer. Got some numbers from 12 dealers within 200 miles of home. They had color, mod III we wanted, and such. They have a program we did not know about: giving away a free Japanese Maple to every new car customer ($90). We drove out with our beauty 5+ foot tree. It's always fun to look out the sun roof on THAT side of the mountains and watch it get drier and sunnier as I get closer to home. Less traffic and mayhem as well. Lived on the coast side 1978-2005. I appreciate the difference.
congrats! I know the feeling of buying a new car and long drive home. We had a 2 hour drive...since we bought another one from the same dealer, we were used to it the second time around
Way to go. My first trip to the dealership (70 miles round trip) plus another stop out of the way resulted in 62.1 mpg with the cruise set at 55 mph on a little city driving, but mostly 55 mph limited roads. The trip was 170 miles in total. This mpg beat the heck out of my 3 banger Geo Metro that was lightened by 140 lbs and had aero mods to get a best of 60.1....the Prius is SOOOOO much better, comfortable, quiet, has 4 doors and AC. The wife would never ride in the Geo, but the Prius is hers. Replaced a real in town 13-14 mpg Voyager with it to save from $200 a month at $3.15 per gallon to saving $255 a month at $4.15 per gallon. The first tank was 42 mpg, but last two were over 50.