I really like all the features of my bluetooth phone connection. But I've yet to see a caller's image come up on the screen, I only get name & number and all the button option. Pgs 175-178 in the Display Audio manual show name, number and "a picture of the caller." I have small jpegs in my phone contacts, I've refreshed the contact list and tried incoming/outgoing calls, landline/cell - no luck so far. I've talked to Toyota twice, once Live Chat and once 800 #. They both tried, but just told me 'can't see what you're doing wrong, but we don't guarantee ever user will get every feature...' Has anyone seen a callers image on Display Audio w Nav?
Thanks for confirming that it can be done. Must be my an issue with my only semi-smart no contract phone, though everything else bluetooth works perfectly. Just something about my stored pictures/size/format/comm that Disp Audio doesn't like...
What phone? I wasn't aware of this feature until this post. I have model four w/ solar option, iPhone 4.
I was hoping Toyota could tell me what pic format(s) Display Nav would accept to eliminate that cause, but they couldn't. My non-smartphone contact pics are small jpegs and they don't come through. Best I can tell, that's what they are on an iPhone so I assume that's not my issue. Since absolutely everything else about my bluetooth phone connection works exactly per the manual I was guessing pics should too. Obviously someone at Toyota knows, but I can't get to them and I've stopped trying after 3 attempts...but I'll live. At least all my iPod album art comes through the Ipod integration, that's a step up from any car I've owned before.