Okay so to preface this in all of my past conventional cars, im one of thouse people that feel the need to let up on the brakes right before coming to a complete stop as to reduce the jerk and make it so smooth you can barley tell you stopped. I haven't even had my prius a week yet and this is buggin me because I feel its not right. However if you all tell me it is I will put it behind me. Also I tried to search but right when the thread when to come about an answer it went off in a tangent and died. So I will try again! When I am coming to a complete stop, as habbit I go to release my braking pressues. However, instead of a smooth stop I feel what to me at least feels like some sort of mechanical dis-engadging from both front wheels. First the left then the right if my memory serves me correctly. Logic tells me thats whatever does the regeneration disengadging however I would think it might do it slightly before braking as to alleviate the jerks when both wheels feel like they let go. So yea.. my question is what is that releasing feeling I get right before stopping?
Many of us found that we had to change old habits when we got our Prius. Over time you will learn to anticipate stops and just let up on the gas to allow regenerative braking and then apply steady pressure to actually stop.
yes, the brakes work differently, thus we must learn to use them properly. The old slam n grind is a thing of the past in the prius.