Hi everyone, I just purhcased my first Prius ( 2012, model 4). I have a question concerning the hybrid battery. If I was travelling and the hydbrid battery just died.... 1. how would I know if it has died and 2. would the prius somehow switch into the gasoline only mode so that I could still drive the car to get home or to a Toyota dealer? ( Just a hypothetical question ) thank you Joe
If you mean the battery dies because the battery icon dropped in bars that does not mean it is dead. That battery gauge really should be taken with a grain of salt. If you drive with say the air conditioner on in slow traffic eventually when low enough it has to start the engine. That wil bring the battery back up. Just drive and enjoy. There is no gas only mode, it's a hybrid, it drives like a hybrid starting the engine and using the battery when necessary.
The traction battery will just get weaker and weaker with age until you have to have it replaced. That should be in more than 8 - 10 years as long as it is not abused. When the 12v accessory battery goes in 2 to 5 years, you will start getting weird things going on with your dash display. If the traction battery goes dead, you have to have the car towed.