There's a slight possibility I'll wake up early enough and the wife won't have made other plans for me... I assume somebody will start forming a big pile of Priuses in the corner of the parking lot so you guys won't be hard to find. I'll add my name to the list if it actually looks likely that I'll attend.
Ok I'll be there. Picnic Day/Sac plans fell through. It's on Sunday right? I have to leave by 12 for my kid neighbor's Eagle Scout ceremony so that probably means no lunch for me, but I figure this is the best way to meet you all at once. We can take a big picture or something.
Mike / Critic ... could you put the meetup time and location in the first post, bold so last minute folks can join in. Let's make it a big'un
I had some devilish thoughts about what we can do at the meetup ... * Go around Great Mall lot and write out environmental tickets um, duh... * roll around to find a 1/4 mile alley and throw down for pink slips (I think Justin would end up collecting a lot of cars) * Get a stunt video going with rolling burnouts, wheelies and stoppies (oh wait a sec ... that's the motorcycle meetup**) .... or we can all just take silly pics and post them on this thread ** In 2004 I was at a sportbike meetup that got pretty crazy - Some '5150' (sport biker club) guys were there. One guy popped a 12 oclock wheelie on another guys bike, tossed it down, big bike CBR954RR .... for the video of course. Another guy was videoing a pocket bike burning rubber in a circle. Lots of hooligans. The owner of the smoothie bar was a biker. Cops clamped down on the meetups not long after. That was a wild night. Different crowd than my type of backroads crew in my avatar. Check out this pic from 2004. Lots of weekend warriors. btw, this is 'motorcycle central' in the SF Bay Area. It is the junction of Slyline Blvd (35) and Woodside Rd (84) on the peninsula. The famous(?) Alice's Restaurant is just across the street from this lot. Many bikers meet at Alice's, but their lot is smaller (and hilly!) This is Skywood Trading Post. anyhoo, enough hijacking.
No, but I'm 6'2" barefoot. The little Green Ninja 250 belongs to the dude standing in back. He was a club racer for many years and trackday instructor. He was usually leading the groups. My bike is the Black one just behind. Was a GSXR600 which ended up selling that year. Went to an FZ1, a more reasonable street bike.
Gary Jaehne? I did a trackday with him last Monday at Infineon. Was this a Doc Wong ride or something? As you can guess, bikes are my other hobby. :rockon:
I'm going to be pretty late getting down there, little after noontime. I bailed on church welcome team last week and was going to pull that this week, but no. I'll call you about noon.
I updated the location date time etc on the 2nd post of this thread since Mike is away from the computer at the moment. Looking forward to seeing you guys and sorry some of our non-NorCal friends cannot make it.
I was thinking if anyone might be interested in purchasing my Touring springs and/or Touring rear sway bar I could bring it along. I don't mean to turn this meet into a cheap craigslist sale, but what the heck. Just an idea. If you're interested, let me know in this thread orPM.
Ha! And we might have two "mac" people show up. Actually, I'm going to bring the extra GY Integrity I have left. Anyone can have it for free. There's still a decent amount of tread on it. I only ask that if you're going to toss, please properly dispose of it. Yeah, I think I know Alice's. I used to pass by and sometimes stop there when I used to drive the twisties when I still had my Z. :/ I met up w/tsair there once. Uhh... I don't think your ideas are a good one for our meet. Hmm, the environmental tickets might be funny to put on monstrosity class SUVs. Unfortunately, I doubt the owners would care. Be sure to bring your favorite Prius tchotchkes or memorabilia.
I've been to Alice's before. I don't think it would be a great place for a car meet, even though people have done it. It's pretty hard to access being in the hills and I don't remember there being much parking. Plus our cars would get dusty pretty easily.
I was cracking up when I thought about it though. Of course I was thinking about the South Park video. Even though it was a negative video towards Prius, it had its funny moments.