Hello, given there is no changer in the v, I purchased a 35 gig USB drive from Best Buy. There are 1034 songs uploaded to the drive. Yet, while using the random button, the highest number of a song that plays is 254. I know in the IT world, 255 is the upper limit, does that also affect the number of songs the system can play? Some songs are being repeated and some songs are never played. Thanks!
I'm trying to figure mine out as well. I had about 8000 songs on the drive, then added more...so I estimate the count,now, to be about 10,000. However, the count on the screen shows 6399 tracks. I also created a duplicate drive and, when inserted, it shows the identical count. Some songs are being eliminated, but I can't figure out which they are. When I random play, it seems to concentrate on the most recently added songs, with old stuff interspersed. Folder formats are: mp3 discs/disc number/artist/album/song title. Either I've run up against a limit somewhere, or I'm doing something wrong. It's even more confusing since, originally, I had a higher count than I do now, after adding albums. .
There is an upper limit (check your manual, but I believe it to be 9999 files), but even below that there are problems with huge numbers of files. I've got 75G of music on a USB key, probably 7000 songs, and it is so many that the voice recognition doesn't even let you choose a song (artist and album are ok). Also, indexing takes awhile. I certainly see the appeal of having all your music in the car, but it seems to work a little better when you're not talking about thousands of files.
Are all of the files supported formats? Files encoded in unsupported formats are skipped. How many files in each folder or what is the highest number of files in a folder?
Toyota must be using some kind of Windows based OS application to play music; hence the limitation. If it was Linux based OS there would be no limit (almost no limit).
I seriously doubt they use any general purpose OS for the radio/music player. It's way overkill and too unreliable in any event. Cars generally use specialized embedded OSs.
This is from page149 of the audio manual: " MP3/WMA files in folders up to 8 levels deep can be played. However, the start of playback may be delayed when using discs containing numerous levels of folders. For this reason, we recommend creating discs with no more than two levels of folders. WMA files Ver. 9 depends on “Windows Media® Audio Standardâ€. The play order of the compact disc with the structure shown on the left is as follows: MP3/WMA player: It is possible to play up to 192 folders or 255 files on one disc. USB memory: Maximum number of folder in device: 3000 Maximum number of files in one folder: 255 Maximum number of files in device: 9999 The order changes depending on the PC and MP3/WMA encoding software you use." I hope this is helpful.