Until my charge station is in, I wanted some support for the charge cable. So I made a trip to the hardware store (using all EV of course!) and threw this together. Now I feel better plugging in the charger for even a few hours. I have no idea why the pictures are rotated. I took the picture with my iPhone and used Safari and iPhoto to post the pictures. I don't think the pictures would turn out this way if I used my camera and uploaded it with my Windows laptop but I didn't have my camera with me. Apple is too smart!
I put a rubber-covered hook like you would hang a bike from in the wall near the outlet to hold the cord and charger handle. Keeps it all neat and off the floor. I'm having trouble posting a picture, but it is in the photo albums.
Here you go. Looks nice! I have to load my cord into the car every morning so I can charge at work. It's a pain...
^^^ So that answers a similar - but different question I had, which is how many of you are leaving the transformer plugged into the wall. I guess that would depend on something like the number who carry their charger with them. Our outlet is much closer to the floor, about the height of one of those orange Home Depot buckets. So that's what's supporting the transformer here. Both charges I've done so far have completed a little before 3 hours. The Entune e-mail (upon completion of the charge) is an interesting feature.
SDMOM, can you tell me what I'm doing wrong that makes my picture only come up when you click on the red "X" ?
bfd- I'm mostly retired, so my EV driving consists of shopping and errands, etc, which works out fine for me. When I do work, it involves mostly freeway driving on roundtrips that range from 65 to 185 miles. I could ask my clients for permission to plug in, but haven't tried that yet. So it is convenient for me to keep the cord hanging on the wall, and to use the automatic charging feature each night. Mine seems to complete the charge in less that two and a half hours each time. The 13 to 15 miles I get out of each charge covers my in town driving pretty well.
Good idea. Right now, my plug is on top of the lawn mower!. I already have a couple of these bicycle hooks so I don't even have to go to the hardware store.
I thought about doing this but I was too lazy to measure where I want to put the hook first! I used a chain so I can adjust the height of the charger by adjusting the chain. I know the measure twice, cut once rule but I don't follow it!!!
That device is an EVSE, and doesn't have a transformer in it. It contains a simple logic board and a relay to switch power to the car plug. I would expect the power it consumes in standby mode to be negligible, particularly when it is not plugged into to the car. The charger itself is in the car.
I went to the pic in your photo album, right-clicked on the picture to get the URL, and then pasted it in the field that comes up when I clicked on the "Insert Image" icon. Not sure if that is the right way to include a photo album pic, but it worked so I went with it
Yes, that is the way I was told it is supposed to work. But when I do the same thing, I get the little red X instead.
Here's mine, it's a Schnieder EVSE I bought in the 4th quarter of last year, anticipating I was going to buy a Nissan Leaf (long story), I also built a portable 120V L1 / 240V L2 OpenEVSE myself. Schnieder EV Link (from Home Depot) Portable OpenEVSE, 120/240 capable up to 30Amps, L6-30P plug, multiple adapters built for different 120V/240V AC outlets, OpenEVSE info: open-evse - Open Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) - Google Project Hosting
And here I thought this was going to be some thread about our Woeful San Diego Chargers. Not a crowd supporting them here these days… but with AJ and Norv gone, things might change.
Until I installed the level 2 charger in the garage, I used to hang the 1 charger on a hook on a pegboard.