I'm asking specifically about the c- whether it can be done/sustained- and about the point in the energy transfer display where there are no arrows going anywhere at all (gliding). I've tried to use the technique a bit when traffic has given me the chance. I couldn't hold it for more than maybe a second before either the ICE or EV kicked on or the wheels started storing power in the battery. If c has that much trouble gliding, the "pulse and glide" technique may need to be replaced with some other technique (maybe just the lightest EV engagement possible?). So, I'm just wondering if anyone's been able to actually do it and maintain it for any extended period of time.
Use the eco score screen. Find a decline that lasts for a while and practice. It is easier that way. You should be able to make both the regen (chg) and ev (lower portion of the eco) sections disappear. Watch this video: Even though it uses the gen III Prius, the screens are similar enough to make the point.
the energy screen tends to lag slightly.. causing somewhat of a difficulty to get all the arrows to disappear.. the best method i've found, and like most others have mentioned... is just using the HSI meter... if you zero it out... that's pretty much what you can guesstimate off of.
This is my first prius. I have noticed that using the eco score screen it is fairly easy easier (with greater margin too) to maintain zero display on both chg and ev.. However if I am using energy monitor screen it is really hard to make all arrow disappear.. Now, aren't they suppose to be telling the same thing?
not necessarily... but like i mentioned.. the energy monitor screen is a bit more picky and at least for me.. more difficult to use because the aforementioned lag. when you first start out, people get the idea that the margin to get the car to glide seems to be really narrow.. especially if you're trying to look at the energy monitor screen... as you progress and find out the HSI tends to be better to use.. you'll notice that margin really isn't as narrow as most people think. i wouldn't really concern about trying to get the arrows to all disappear.. it's more making sure that you have enough gas to get the car not to regen.. thus inducing "fake drag".. if you're slightly above the zero mark... that's still fine.
I drive with the eco on. The pedal is more stiff and easier to control to keep steady. With the C I can glide no prob. It did take about a week to get it there. BUT also with eco on, you then have to adjust your foot when you need EV to stay in EV (and not go over the line into eco and ICE territory), and also have to adjust your foot when you need more speed (as in going up an incline or hill) I drive very in tune with the modes and where the line is. But eco mode changes these ..... since in eco, pedal is more stiff and less responsive. The glide can be mastered (I have not mastered it, but can do it well)
I have no problem getting into a glide once the car is all warmed up. As mentioned elsewhere the C is lighter than the liftback and so the momentum the C will have during a glide will be more easily affected by outside forces (headwind, weather, etc.) so maintaining the glide can require a bit more concentration. That being said, I use the HSI screen exclusively and go by the feel of the car. As SquallLHeart has said, the energy monitor screen does lag and I've only seen it go "no arrows" maybe 25% of the time I'm gliding so I don't pay any mind to it anymore.