my cargo net has pulled out of one of the hook assemblies. I can't seem to get it back in. Is there a trick to getting it in there? Do I risk forcing it?
I'm saying the bungee pulled out of the hook assembly. I tried to gently stuff it back in there, but it doesn't go. Any help?
Oh, bummer. I don't know how to fix that and don't have immediate access to my Prius to take a look. Also, one other point of clarification, you are talking about the vertical OEM cargo net and not the horizontal aftermarket version, correct?
Happened to me, too. Husband got a suitcase caught in the net or something. Find a friend and a small flat screwdriver. You can make a loop out of one side of the bungee cord and push it back in with some patience. Make sure that you are not using the same cord as the other side - it will be hard to stretch. (front cord on one hook and back cord on other hook) Good luck!
ok...i fixed by taking some pliers & gently pulling it apart. i threaded the bungee through and reconnected it.