I shut off mdf screen, display - turn display off. (wife didn't like it showing) My guess was that I just press display button again and it gets back on, but it is only black. MFD works fine on climate, audio, info, but no battery charging display and no milage display. I tryed to turn car off and back on again, same. What do I miss?
You just have to push the Info button and then select Trip info from the touch screen. LOL I got caught by that one the first time I turned the screen off too. It's so silly and unintuitive isn't it. I mean everyone assumes that you'd just hit the "Display" button to turn it back on, but no, that would have been too logical.
Thanks, had to get out in snow and try, it worked! Logical, not Good to hear that i'm not alone on that misstake:cheer2:
This should be added to the stickie about obscure facts (or whatever that thread is titled). This is definitely good to know.