I hope I don't get yelled at for double posting this...in both the v and 3rd gen forums - but it applies to both. I'm looking at a Prius as my next vehicle. I currently drive a 2000 Chevy Blazer that gets roughly 20mpg. I drive 100 miles per day ... give or take - I commute 42 miles one way for work, then a run for lunch, trip home, etc. adds up to 100 a day for comparison sake. So, at $4/gal gas, - it costs me roughly $20/day to drive to work, and on average lately - 450-500 a month in gas just to drive to work. Now, the car is paid for - so no payment, just maintenance. I was looking at the Prius - for the mileage of 50 combined... but I also looked at the new V - due to it's cargo size being nearly identical to the blazer. I occasionally haul drums, and pa gear -- which i can fit in the back of the balzer with the seats up. except for a rack which i stand up in front of rear seats in foot area... I have 3 kids - age 11, 7, and 8 months...so one car seat. my other vehicle is a montana mini-van. primary function, commuter car. (all highway, set the cruze at 60 except for a few slow spots and stop lights, relatively flat terrain) Occasional family use, rare since we have the van. My question is - for the difference in cost to purchase, and the cost difference associated with the 40mpg vs 50mpg, which would you buy? I'm stuck... I'm looking at level 3 trim package on both with only floormats - no solar roof or decals, etc. if I could - I would go full 5 with tech pkg. my budget i'm afraid will leave me capped at about $26k.
I closed the other one and posted in it a link to this one. Two threads in multiple forums with the exact same thing only causes double posts and confusion. Now the whole discussion can be in one thread.
I have the v. Achieving in the 50mpgs is not hard with it. It's also perfect for the kids and as an alternative to your van. I used to have a 2005 Prius and wondered if the v mileage would be disappointing. It isn't and is actually better than the 2005 for the routes I drive. Definitely the v.
I looked at both when I got mine. There is definitely more room in the v, but it requires much less "work" to get high mpgs in the hatchback. I drive a lot, I have put about 5000 miles on mine in about 6 weeks, and I think the hatch does better than the v on the highway. It is smooth and quiet. I keep my tire pressure at factory specs and average very close to 50mpg on the highway. If I were you, I would probably go with the hatchback, also because you will probably get a better deal on one of those vs. the v also. Either way you go, you really can't go wrong. But for your situation, my money is on the hatch.
I'd go for the Prius 3/3. I got mine for $26K with solar roof, floor and cargo mat, lower side moldings and clear door edge guards and rear bumper guard. That fits your budget. Toyota seems to have more price flexibility on the III vs. V or C...especially as you start to walk out the door. There is little real room difference for the basic seats five usage. Plenty of "trunk" room on the Prius 3, 22 cu. ft vs. 32 cu. ft for the Prius V. Unless there is a frequent and specific thing you could do with the V vs. the III, get the III. Since mileage is your motivator 50 mpg vs. 40 mpg is huge difference especially at your mileage level. http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/Find.do?action=sbs&id=31836&id=31767
I am in a similar situation as you (about 100 miles a day driving between work and errands during lunch and after work). I ended up with the V instead of the Prius Hatch because of the space. I have 3 kids with 3 car seats. I wanted a commuter car that would double as our weekend family car that can do north of 40 MPG and the V just fits that role. I was looking at the Prius Hatch but after evaluating what's important to me, I was willing to pay about $30 per month more in fuel with the V. Instead on using our Land Cruiser as our family car on the weekend, We use the V and it fits us just fine plus it saves me about $40 per weekend. So, if you do the math, the V is a better all around car for me than the Prius Hatch. Hope this helps.
My V got 49mpg on the last tank of gas. My friend with the regular Prius is getting 53 mpg now with spring gas.
The passenger seating looks to be identical in Prius 3 vs. 5, slightly more leg room in the Prius 3 per the Toyota Side-by-Side comparison. More money up front and more money to operate for the 5 vs. 3. I thought the Prius 3 was the Goldilocks of the trio, it got just about the same mileage as the Prius C with more room and features and had just about as much room as the Prius V with much better fuel mileage. If a Prius V could replace their "big car" it would make sense but as the commuter car, mileage would be primary especially when the room difference is minimal.
People are probably safe using the rated mileage difference for a comparison, 50 mpg for the P3 and 42 mpg for the P5. That percentage difference is likely going to apply for the same person, driving the same way vs. anecdotal information from different people in different places driving different cars.
I forgot to say the middle seat in the V is much bigger than the regular Prius. That might be a deciding factor with the car seat. I'd try both back seats with kids and the car seat to make my decision.
If it was just used as a commuter car, I totally agree that the Prius Hatch would be a better buy compared to the V.
Let me ask you a question. Do you ever sit in a car and wonder, gee, I wish everything in here was a little smaller? Probably not. Go with the V. You're not just paying for the extra space. You're paying for its versatility. If you do take your kids around in the V, they'll probably appreciate the roomier, reclining rear seats. They'll appreciate it even more as they grow.
This is what stood out for me in his car requirements. Three kids, he'll be saving thousands in up front costs and in fuel costs and I think the three kids will fit as well in the P3 as the P5, there's only six inches of difference in the back seats and the two older kids don't need car seats anymore.
That's EXACTLY what I was thinking sitting in my Explorer and why I got an Escape Hybrid. Everything needed to be a bit smaller, especially the gas use. Exactly what I was thinking in my Escape Hybrid and why I got a P3/3. If commuter car is the main function, with the small size difference between the P3 and P5 and the relatively large price and fuel consumption difference, seems like P3 is the way to go. If $26K is the budget he can also get Solar roof, sun roof and nav, fun toys for his long commute. Meanwhile, I'm still think'in.
If you're being honest, I foresee you going with the Prius C next, and then a Smart car after that. If MPG is the most important goal, why not go with the Plug In or the Volt? Also, you're making a huge deal about the minor MPG difference between the Prius III and the Prius V, but you're completely ignoring the massive MPG difference between the Prius V and the van. By the way, it's not 5, it's V as in versatility. As for cost, for $26K, you can get the Prius v3. Other than the sunroof it should have all the same features as the PIII3.
Buy the hatch back. You said it yourself....it's your commuter car. Additionaly it's $2G less money, gets better MPG and will fit the 3 kids when you need the Montana for the drums and speaker boxes. Moon Roof and Solar Panels aren't going to be much benefit to you sir...you're in NE Indiana and will only benefit from these features 3-4 months/ year. Big deal! The same is true of the 5 trim levels...That's a rich man's Prius. It is true that dealers aren't dealing a whole lot right now, but shop around and be open to color. You'll find a decent deal.