I've been reading the v's manual on the Toyota Owners site and I must say there is stuff in the manual that is not available (DRLs and tire pressure direct readouts) on the US version of the v, or is simply wrong, e.g. It says the JBL GreenEdge system plays DVDs and the DVD/CD slot is behind the tilting face plate. Whoever writes these manuals must not check whether certain features are included or not. Is the actual printed manual incorrect too?
sometimes the owner's manual is written before final production versions of the car are offered. Occasionally we'll find similar errors in the product brochures. I've been selling for 8 years and have learned that getting in a car, seeing the features, pressing the buttons and visiting forums like this one have more value for training purposes than reading the brochure, owner's manual or training material. Most of these things are written by technical write in marketing. I often wonder if this person has ever seen the car!
I spent hours (2) looking/posting for the DLRs and wish I had individual tire pressure readings, but they just are not there on US version of any Prius v wagon (as you point out). But I do enjoy pressing the close (and open) button and watching the Nav screen tilt horizontal showing the CD/DVD slot. You can only watch DVDs only when the car is not moving. You can listen to a DVD movie while driving though. This is on my Prius v (wagon) with Adv. Tech. pkg.
I've never been a fan of Toyota's manuals. For a big company with great products, they sure could use improvement in their tech writing department. I don't know the cause of the problem, but they don't have good manuals. Tom
It does play DVDs. It plays while parked but once you drive the screen ceases to show the movie but the sounds continues. I watched a short clip of a 2 different DVDs 2 seperate times yesterday. Kinda cool. Andy
Why wouldn't Toyota tout this feature? I have watched many Prius v 5/ATP videos on YouTube and not one mentions the DVD feature, nor is there any mention of DVD playing ability in the Prius v brochure. If someone posts a pic/video of the DVD player in their Prius v I will believe; until then I am a Doubting Thomas.
@Doubting Thomas; You would rather wait for somebody to go through all the effort of posting a video of a DVD playing in a Prius v (wagon) with ATP, than go out in your garage and try it yourself? As tempted as I was, I decided to find the write up in the Navigation Manual for you instead. So look on page 212 of the Navigation System Owner's Manual. Found on page 23 of 73 on this chunk of the manual in this link from Toyota web site: http://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/omnav/OM47675U/pdf/05-1.pdf Then go play a DVD in your Prius v with ATP (while stopped of course). Enjoy.
My bad, I found a video on YouTube about the DVD player this evening. I still have to wait for my wife to get her v 5/ATP to try the feature out; hopefully this week. P.S. My wife was not impressed when I told her Prius will have a DVD player
Yeah, but You have a manual, I got the wrong manual and the dealer refuse to find the right one for me, his opinion "This is the right one, there is no other". Now I hava car with a JBL Audio/Nav. from 2012, with a Touch&Go manual from 2011... So if you are able to post the cover page of your manual on this log, you will make me VERY happy
The Nav Manual describes how to turn on SURROUND sound on the JBL system but the system that comes with the Technology Package does not have Surround Sound. Transformer TF101 ? 2
The DVD player was a pleasant surprise. THe Sales Rep at the dealership was as surprised as I was. Transformer TF101 ? 2