Anyone else have relatively low tire pressure on their C at delivery? I just checked mine and it was at 32/32 on the fronts and 35/36 on the rears. Bumped the fronts up to 40psi, def feels a bit firmer (which I like). Haven't driven enough to see a difference in MPG but I'm sure there will be.
The tire pressures are raised above placard values while shipping and the dealers are supposed to lower to placard values before delivery. If you look inside the driver's door you will find the Toyota recommended pressures of like 35 front and 33 rear. This is more for riding comfort. Most people on here raise their tire pressures close to max sidewall pressure for definite increase in mpg. I have mine at 40/38. I tried going above 40 but the ride was just to harsh for my liking. The front is heavier than the rear so the reason for the difference.
mine are at 42/40.. but i received them with at 35/33 which is where it's recommended to be. yes.. coming off the transport truck and into the dealership, the tires are over-pressurized and during the PDI process, the air is let out. if they were 32 up front and about 35 for the rear when you got them... someone done f#%^'d up... it's supposed to be higher up front than the rear... good thing you checked!
yeah definitely glad I whipped out the pressure gauge.. they looked low to me. how's your ride at 42/40?
A lot of this may depend on the temperature at the time the last person adjusted the air and the temperature at the time you are checking them. Just a refresher course: Tire Tech Information - Air Pressure, Temperature Fluctuations
yup... like the sticker on the door jam says... that's supposed to be 35/33 when the tires are COLD... if you've been driving for a while... and then you check them.. well.. it'll obviously be higher. temperature certainly plays a role in your psi reading. also, regardless of what pressures you are at.. i still recommend having 2psi more in the front than the rear. 42/40 is doing fine for me.. nothing too noticeable that i've really seen in ride quality and comfort... mileage? not sure. i'm too afraid to touch the 44psi boundary.. otherwise i'd do 44/42 like some others do... but i'm gonna mess around a little bit more and adjust my psi as the weather starts getting warmer.
How quickly do the tires heat up? I don't own a pump, but there's a gas station 0.8 miles from my house. Do I need to concern myself with any basic subtraction when measuring my PSI there? Or should I measure at home before leaving, figure out how much I need to add, and just add that much regardless of the reading I would get at the gas station? Or is it such a short distance that it's negligible? Forgive me for over thinking all of this... It's the first time I've had a nice car, and the first time I've dealt with any of this. I never added air to my previous car's tires (except for at oil changes), and my Prius really deserves better!
I wouldn't think it would be anything to worry about. Check your pressure before you leave,check it when you arrive, adjust your input accordingly. You only have to do that once. Or not. The big thing is to not heat up your tires with a firey burnout as you leave the driveway.
While not a 'c', my new baby passed through the same PDI line, and the same nitrogen purge & fill hooey packed on by the dealership. This morning it had 38 all around, before getting tuned to my desired pressure. The previous baby arrived three years ago with 40/40/40/39. PC consensus was that was the pressure for its Pacific cruise. The failure of the PDI crew to lower it to Toyota's placard made it easier for me to reach my desired pressure.
the math on air pressure changes due to driving is complex, the lower the pressure the less distance it takes to overheat tires. Outside temp, speed, vehicle weight, so many variables. Do this instead: 1. You pump them over what you want, then drive home and let the car sit. 2. Come back in the morning or after the car has been sitting several hours in the shade (don't want one side / front / rear in the sun and the other in the shade). 3. Lower the pressure to what you want. It doesn't hurt to run over for a little while. Before I got a pump I used to fill to 60 PSI before driving home. The next day I'd let air out to the PSI I really wanted.
Wow dangerous much? Mine were 58 psi on all four since delivery, had been driving on that for two weeks. Lowered it to 40 front 38 rear. Ride is so much smoother now. Good thing i checked it.
Me too. My tires were set at 51-52 psi. I drove the car 600 miles before checking the pressures (my bad). I reset them to 40 front/39 back. I agree that the ride is much better at the lower tire pressures. Tom
Dealer had them at 35/33 and I have them now at 42/40. I'll continue to monitor them as it get's hotter outside.
Just checked tire pressure after having the car for over 3 weeks. 32 or 33 on all. Boosted to 39.5 F and 37 rear. Ride is definitely rougher but not enough to make me uncomfortable. MPG went up a little bit. We'll see what Fuelly says on the next fill-up. 05/31/2012 - Edited to add: Yep - Fuelly went from 47.5 to 48.8. All assuming pressure gauges are working. Digital Radio Shack and one stick/pen type read same pressure. Another stick type reads nearly 5 pounds lower. Going with the digital for now.
I checked mone the same day I picked it up at my dealer. The F/R were 32/32. I promptly increased them to 42/40. The ride is little harsh now though. I might experiment with 40/40 and 40/38 next.
Latest Fuelly - went from 48.8 to 49.3 MPG going up with every fill. Edit to add: Latest Fuelly only went up to 49.4 - I guess I have to stop driving like a maniac.
Uh-oh... Step 1: Close Laptop Step 2: Jump out of bed Step3: Get dressed (Lazy because im off this week) Step 4: Grab remote n run outside. Step 5: Unlock car, grab tire gauge Step 6: Checked tires and.... Front at 37 & 36, Rear at 34 each.. Wth - I should have done this 10 days ago when I bought the car... Question: Won't over inflating the tires cause more wear on the tires? Voiding tire warranty etc? Temps lately here at avg 98-100 with high 104-107. I drive 50/50 freeway at 70 at 50mph.. what do u think is best for me? I have been seeing so many on the side of the road with flats lately.
Max PSI for your tires is probably 44psi. Running at 40.38 won't void any warranty because you're not exceeding any limits the 35 on your door jam is just stated so you can experience the ride as toyota intended, but your tire psi can vary depending on the manufacture and spec rating.