Good news there is! I went to Cover Craft who makes the best covers and we used my car to make an exact fit cover for the C cars. I will post pics and info tomorrow.
Did they say how soon the covers will be avalilable, 'cause nobody's got one for the C that I've been able to find so far... I don't want a generic cover...
Here it is guys! Even matching my paint color haha! This is the Sunbrella which is the best, yes you guessed it, in the Sun. I think it goes for around $440.00 for but the one you see is a few inches longer, to cover my wheels more, which goes for $520.00 retail. You may find resellers that will give a brake on the price? It has a five year warranty and will last longer I am sure. It's a very nice material. The cheaper ones will fall apart or disintegrate quicker. I will take a picture of the standard length. I had another fitted C cover which is more of indoor I want need and will be selling.
I sent an email to CoverCraft last night and got this reply: Thank you for contacting us concerning a cover for your vehicle. The part number you would need to order is C17501. You can call us at 800-247-8012 to place an order or you can go through any of your local automotive stores (Pep Boys, O'Reilly, Napa, etc....) If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know. Thank you, Sales
Thanks for taking the time to photograph and post. The fabric looks a little loose around the body and doesn't appear to have a tight elastic bottom. Is there something along the bottom that would prevent it from being blown off in a strong wind?
Sure! It does seem lose but it does have a snug fit with the elastic in the front and rear so it does tuck in and wrap.
Thanks for the info priusCPilot. I went anead and got the Covercraft cover made using the gray 200 series fabric. It was $131 + $9 for a cable lock (mostly for wind). I'm very happy with the quality of the cover. The fabric on the sides of the car look much tighter and you're right - the elastic at the front and read bumpers is very snug and strong. Only had it on for about an hour but I'm very pleased with my purchase.
Oh good! I have been using mine over and over and I don't mind removing and covering all the time. Are you using it for outdoor?
I have the same issue, parked under a huge Oak tree, near a gravel road, much dust, and leaves and ick.. oh my! I had been looking for a car cover .. Thx for the info.
Covering will help keep the whole car looking very nice as it ages and keeps resale much higher if well looked after. I got the Sunbrella but its not cheap but well worth it for me.
My only issue would be, that it would be a pest to put this on and remove it everyday... in the end getting tired of it and not wanting to do it anymore.. Ah who knows.
I know unfortunately I it accept it and just do especially after thinking about the car baking and cooking away. My goal is to keep the car looking showroom new even after 10 years.
Yeah, well right now that is my intentions... hopefully they will stay that way and not get into lazy mode.