I really liked my Prius C, however; I was continuously comparing it to my Honda Fit which i absolutely loved. The c was an excellent car and I loved the superb gas mileage and smooth quiet ride and tech features. But I totally missed the superior ergonomics, the perfect driving position and steering wheel, the excellent visibility, and the amazingly spacious and flexible interior of the Fit. And I really really missed the zippiness and control of the Honda's excellent manual transmission. So the dealer still had my car on the lot which of course I knew the full history cause I bought it new so we worked out a deal and traded back. I know I lost most of the positive equity I had in the Fit but I'm happy to have it back. This is an awesome website and I will still visit from time to time, thanks to all who have answered question regarding the C when I've had them and best wishes with your C's!!
Man, that's a first for me! I don't think I would have had the guts to do that. You should have look into or at least drove a regular Prius 3rd gen. first before you did that. The Honda Fit I looked at and tested was way to small for me and my 6' 3" son. But to each his own I guess.
Darned expensive extended test drive!!!! Best of luck to you, and enjoy your new....old....new again car!
I didn't like the gen 2 or 3 Prius, to tankish for me. The Fit is way bigger than the c inside. I enjoy small cars though.
It sounds to me like the OP had other performance factors in mind besides the space considerations. And that's cool. Everyone has their own preferences and desires and that's why there are so many flavors on the road. ron
I actually compared and test drive both cars before purchasing a "c". The Fit is better or at least as good as the "c" in all aspects besides gas mileage, which is the most important thing to me 'cause I drive a lot. The Fit is one fun and reliable car. Good luck & enjoy it!
What's particularly of note for Kirkuleez is that he drives an MT. That makes a big difference in driving experience, performance and fuel economy. Anyway, OP, glad you were here for a while and that it's happiness and not unhappiness that has drawn you back to your Fit.
Heh, wasn't it just the other day that you were posting about how much you loved the c? Glad you were able to be honest with yourself and not stick with a car you didn't love quite enough! Hopefully you didn't take too much of a hit on it. My boyfriend recently bought a brand new Mustang. Loved it at first, but after a month realized he couldn't live with the automatic transmission. Took a bit of a loss on equity of course, but he's so much happier after trading it in for a manual.
You resisted the kool-aide. Way to go. I really liked the Fit, but never drove one. May be a good thing. Enjoy. It's the heart that counts when it comes to daily transport.
This makes me glad to be in a 2 car house with one Fit and one C. If I had to choose between them I'd be pretty bummed out. I'm glad you found a way to make yourself happy. Life is short - might as well enjoy it.
Yikes! 50 mpg Prius C to 29 mpg Fit. How long did you have the C and how many miles? My dealer told me he could have backed me out of the deal completely (I was complaining about the seats) in the first week or two before Toyota "closed" the financing part of the deal.
I had an automatic Fit (which I loved) and think just about everything about the "C" is better, unless you really want the extra storage space. I think the real root issue is that manual transmission, I've read a lot of praise for it in the Fit. I have to say I'm impressed there haven't been any haters stopping by this thread yet. Enjoy that Fit!
I hear you on the Fit. We love our 2007 Fit Sport (auto). I offered to take it and buy a Prius or any other car including a brand new Fit for my wife - she refused. (The dogs like it too). The C is a compromise - the Fit is better room wise and so is the Prius v. But the fuel economy and "almost as good" is enough for me. Now if only we could get a Fit with HSD - That would be something!!
C is listed as 87/17 cu. ft volume passenger/luggage vs. Fit's 91/21 cu. ft. Is the difference more apparent than real? When I was shopping for a C (got Prius3/3 instead) I had my skis in hand to see if they fit with the back seat down. Coming the other way is a lady with her bike checking out the same thing. Both of us "fit" in the C.
Fit with HSD would have ... less space than Fit because you would have to store HSD somewhere in the car