BUY a cat??? Nobody ever has to BUY a cat. Cats are readily available for free. There's always someone with kittens to give away. Or you can be responsible and get a neutered cat from your local animal shelter. For that matter, get 4 or 5. I once knew a woman with 5 cats. I'd have married her for her cats if she'd have accepted me. Big, fat, friendly cats who climbed up onto the screens when they wanted to come in. but I digress. Buying a cat is a waste of money. The best cats are free.
Cats generally have comfortable existences, because cats can spot a sucker from a mile away. Give a cat an inch and she'll take fifteen miles. Give her wet cat food once and she'll expect it forever, and never eat anything else... until you buy a crate of it, then she'll decide she wants something else. Let her out at 4 AM, just once, and she'll be there at 4 AM every morning waking you up. I love cats. And dogs. And I have a PC in my house, but I don't love it. And my 06 won't be here until January (hopefully), and I know I'll love it. =)
Well, guys, looks like we DID kill ol' Rabid. He had to flee his own thread. Let's go find some other newbie to give the Treatment to.
I'm still alive, and VERY WELL, thank you. See, I got my car yesterday, and haven't had a single moment to do anything but marvel at the beauty of this machine. Please excuse my lack of response here, I'm just too dang busy indulging myself in the warm glow of this wonderful piece of technology. I'm a techno-nerd from waaaayyy back, and this car simply blows my mind. I'll be back with my impressions, and certainly some questions for you veterans. Peace Rick
(offstage) Psst! It worked! He's back! Well, Mr. Wabbid, what do you have to say about your little darlin'?
:lol: That picture deserves it's own thread. Gotta have a place to post the upcoming knockoffs and copycat headshots, interesting places for the hsd logo, etc.
I agree. Maybe Danny could find a place up in the opening stuff to place "pics of the month". I hope Bill You-know-who doesn't injure himself when he sees this. :huh: Like your hat.
well, I read them when you tell me about them! our car! besides, I'll let you share whatever we buy in 2011 or so to replace my Civic. Michelle