Hello everyone. I'm a new prius owner, I've had my 2012 Prius Four for about 4 weeks now and am still experimenting a route to take to/from work each day. My commute is about 17 miles and in my 'old' route used to be 6 miles in a 45 zone, and then 10 miles on the interstate. Now with the prius, I am testing some alternate routes, but haven't yet decided my preference. My question is: Do you think it would be better to take a route where the speeds range from 35-60 with about 5 stop lights (16.3 miles), or a route that goes from 35-45 with about 8 stop lights (17.5 miles)? Land is completely flat for both of them. Thanks. Sean
To add some more info. I am trying to maximize my mpg. I don't care too much about the time, I am enjoying my new stereo. I pulse and glide when I can, but am wondering if it is worth going through the higher speed roads with less stops, versus having to stop more often, but getting to PnG from 40-30 or 45-35. So far, I have taken the higher speed roads and am consistently getting in the low 60's mpg. I have also taken my old interstate route and am able to get about 54mpg (cruise control on 65). I have not yet tried to slower speed route with more stop lights, but am curious as to the opinions of others and if you think I can do better than 60mpg with slower speeds and more stops.
I've had my car about the same amount of time and am doing the same evaluations (about 20 miles each way for me). If 60 is the maximum speed, I'd take the route with the fewer traffic lights. That being said, you might do a little better with the lower average speed. In my case, interstate travel is all posted at 70 and it's difficult to drift much below that without causing a hazard. I've grown to like my slower surface streets route. [Edit] I got an *indicated* 68.5 mpg to work this morning, but that includes a 300 ft loss of altitude]
Personal opinion: First determine which route steals more minutes from your life, and use the other one. If they're essentially equivalent, take the one that requires fewer traffic light stops. If you can "time" the traffic lights and otherwise avoid braking you'll probably get better mileage. EDIT: I answered this before your second post about not caring about time. No change in reply, but if you have some extra time I'll give you a good deal on it. I'm always feeling rushed, and driving like a slowpoke helps my equanimity but not my productivity. Richard
Ok, I took my other route option today. It came out suprisingly pretty close to the one I have been taking. 32 minute trip, 15.8 miles, 64.8mpg. That said, I do think I timed the lights this morning as good as I possibly can. So, in my case, I now have 2 route options that I can get 62-64mpg on, and if I am in a hurry, I can save 6-10 minutes and hop on the interstate, but only get 55mpg.
Keep in mind, the route with the best MPG may not use the least gas, if it is longer. Personally I prefer to use less gas.
Thanks, I do keep that in mind, and the difference in distance is less than 2 total miles for all three of my options. So far, this new route is the shortest AND had the best mpg. I'll take it a couple of more times to see if it was a fluke, or if it can be sustained.
Here are a few variables to me that can make a big difference and they may for you as well: 1. Are they two lane roads or one? I feel I can drive much more efficiently on two lane compared to one because I'm not as worried about conforming to everyone else's driving speed/style (ie. letting people go around me). 2. All stop lights are not created equal. Some are much more predictable and on a schedule than others are. How far away I can see the light can make a big difference as well. Also, some are obscured by turns and/or trees and can't be planned out as well. A light that suddenly changes when you weren't planning on it forcing you to brake very quickly and use your friction brakes (and lose all momentum) can kill FE.