Good luck with that, I have a shiny new quarter here waiting for you on the day that happens. The only reason internet sales exist and thrive, is because it feeds our nation's insatiable hunger for cheap goods. It has nothing to do with being an expert on anything. Despite what you may think, humans are emotionally driven creatures. They do, and always will, need to see/touch/smell what they consume. Eliminate the overhead and sell the goods cheaper. You will never eliminate the brick and mortar stores. Reminds me of a movie I saw, "consume, obey"
Interesting, maybe the most poorly managed section of the U.S. economy. I feel more ripped off by my med insurance company and doctors than any car transaction I've ever been involved in.
Perhaps so, but people are also economically driven creatures, which leads them to want the cheapest price. Which in turn causes "showrooming" which leads them (OK, us,) to go look at the goods at a physical retailer and then buy them on-line. Whoopsie. Richard
I know that movie, "THEY LIVE!" I'm a HUGE fan of schlock horror films and this is one of the best. Remember the long fight scene in the alley, where the two main characters beat the living crap out of each other? It was all because the white guy wanted the black guy to try on a pair of sunglasses - classic! [ame=""]They Live - Best Fight Scene Ever. - YouTube[/ame] I also like the line where he goes into the bank with a shotgun. "I'm here to kick nice person and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of bubble gum."
I am a car salesman; 1) if you do not want to, do not pay over MSRP. even during the greatest demand and shortest supply of the Prius, i bought TWO cars at MSRP. there are plenty of dealers out there that are honest and not trying to rob you. 2) other than paying for the car and taxes, title, etc. nothing else is required. depending on financing, some lenders will charge a loan fee. your best bet will almost always be a financial institution (bank, credit card company, etc) you have an established AND good history with. .99% financing is available but most likely not to you or anyone you know. 3) car salesmen get paid on commission verses minimum wage. they are there to sell you a car today. not tomorrow, today. **the percentage of people who return to buy a car after an "up" (first time into a dealership for customer) 10. **percentage of people who keep appointments or "bebacks" (when they say i need to talk with wife, hubby before i buy) 5%. who goes to car lot when they cannot make the purchase decision on their own? most shop online and need very little information other than a test drive which they will not take the time to do if they have to have someone else there to make the purchase decision... PERIOD. ** # of car salesmen who have been working more than a few years; 25%. ya, Toyota and a few others may have done ok, but the industry has had a HUGE turn over due to slack times from 2009 and 2010. over tightening of credit has made selling a car much more difficult than it should be. interest rates for most are kinda ridiculous. most here will not understand that statement, but this forum is not a true representation of the American Car buying public either.
Is he right, thought? I got my car way under MSRP because Toyota was suffering a media firestorm over accelerator issues. Demand was low. Now, it's not. If the guy is moving a lot of inventory at MSRP it makes sense to charge it. Your numbers are probably right. I have used and will in the future use the "need to talk to wife" excuse because I absolutely--no offense ) )--look at car salesman as people trying to screw me in every which way possible, and so I never, ever make a decision on anything expensive without stepping away from it to remove 100% of the stress/pressure of the situation (read: salesman in dealership). You have my sympathy, though. I'm sure selling to people is frustrating, as most people are fickle, idiotic, and don't respect your time. Even though I know any car salesman will try to squeeze as much out of me as possible I still treat them politely, won't lie to them about intending to show up and never calling back, etc.
Try to get the dealership to remove the $425 floor mats they install in every single vehicle they sell- you'd think they were welded on by their reluctance to remove them. Toyota carpet mats are the modern day equivalent to Rusty Jones back in the 80's. Every car gets them whether you want them or not at some dealerships.
Nothing to be sorry about, the sales bashing just gets old. To wish someones livelyhood to disappear is a bit harsh. I'm in the RV side of sales. We actually spent the last two evenings accepting offers from a guy with barely a 600 credit score, got the owner to ok deals on 2 different units with just enough profit to not lose money, a few hours in total and they decided to not buy. We shook their hand, thanked them for coming in and told them to call us when they are ready. Car dealers are no different from any other business, there are good, bad and in between.
Keep doing that, and there won't be any physical retailers left to "showroom" at. And then where you turn when you need help with that camera you didn't buy from the shop I work at? I don't blame the car sales person directly. It is the management and owners that are the issue. The sales guy at Koons Toyota in Tyson's was great, it was management at that dealership that lost him a sale. A lowball trade, and an out right lie about them calling a local Subaru dealer for trade value when I rejected their offer on the trade.
I totally agree, and my salesteam was great, I don't want them to be homeless. Ideally though, I'll order my next car online and someone will deliver it to my house. I really do not like haggling, it's one thing I like about living in the US and the thing I dislike most about vacationing in other countries. It's not a great feeling to know that someone else in the next city, or even the next day could have gotten the same exact product as me for a different price (lower or higher), just because of they way they negotiated. All I want is complete transparency and to easily know the final cost before I buy something.
The business model is heading that way. In San Diego the Mossy group has several brands and they post a no haggle discount on most vehicles. They make a fair profit and the deal is easy. They leave the discount alone even when factory rebates and discount financing pop up. There may be some haggling on less popular models but they stick to the window discount for the most part.
I also had a good experience with the dealership I ended up buying my car from. They were helpful in finding the car I wanted- they were transparent on pricing and options, and on delivery day- there were no surprises, delays, excuses, etc. In their case- I don't begrudge them their commission. They provided a service and did an adequate job doing it- they should get paid for it. It's the lying underhanded scumbag dealerships that need to go....
I just went through this, our dealer had no prius 4's in stock, one on the way. they had a couple of three's available, no 2's. they had a bunch of prius with "sold" stickers on them. the only thing they were flexible on was our trade, and gave us more than it was worth. The salesman kept talking to us about "well what if I could make the payment this much"...and I finally stopped him and said "will you please STOP saying that? nobody buys a car on payment amount". In the end we got a "good" deal, not a great deal. pricing websites showed in our area the best we would do is 500 -700 off sticker at this time. my wife an I agreed that it's not worth our time to spend another day in a pissing contest with a dealer. One thing he did that was kind of smarmy is he printed out a list of vehicles available at other nearby dealers to show me "look, there's no vehicles with the trim you want at these dealers".
Good for you! At least you got about that much off the sticker. Still can hardly believe the floor mats are $225. A Prius in a configuration and color that I would accept has been sitting on the lot at one of my local dealers for about a week now. When I called and spoke to a salesman about the car last week, he played hardball with me and tried to tell me that these things are sold before they even get here. However, I've been watching their inventory, and the same three Prius have been sitting there at least a week and a half averaged between them. Last week I went and peeked at the Prius that I would accept. I noted the odometer. I could tell that it hasn't been out on a test drive. This week when I go to peek at it again I'll look at the odometer again, so I can tell if the salesmen are trying to blow smoke up my skirt. Besides that, gas prices have fallen again, now to $2.66 in my area for E-10. Demand appears to have fallen dramatically on the Prius here as a result. As a fallback, I've located a dealer at some distance away that has very reasonable no-haggle prices. They don't have a car that I want on the lot at the moment, but they would likely be willing to order one in. I don't want to bother the distant dealer yet unless the local guys won't play ball. But if they won't, then I'll order one from the distant dealer, and when it gets in me, dad, and the daughter will catch a train out there, pick up the car, and do a scenic mini-vacation catching all the historic and must-see sights between there and here. I've already got several locations in mind that my daughter MUST see, and where I'd like to take dad before he passes.
Yeah this movie is awesome. "money is your god". I love that fight scene, it lasted like 6 minutes, and when he finally puts the glasses on it's awesome. They talked about doing a remake a few years back, I dont know if it is going to happen or not.
Put a deposit on a Prius through an internet sales department that's at a considerable distance from my location. However, it's over $1000 less than what the local dealership said they were willing to do, and I figured that I'd take my dad and my daughter along to see a few historic sites along the way. It'll be next week before I can take the time off to go get it, and I won't believe it myself until it sinks in tomorrow or the next day, but in a week and a half I might finally feel like a proper member of PriusChat!