same here . Just got a V3 and my iphone4 gets paired, but no audio. (don't have iphone 4s). I see the phonebook, and see the calls on the nav screen - but alas, no audio. Entunes works. Tried unpairing, re-discovering and the like. still no bluetooth audio. Any thoughts?
Lindag ultimately I did get most things to work. I do have phone and music via Bluetooth now although I rarely use the Internet via USB because it doesn't charge the phone for me but does slow battery drain. Try to erase the pairing and repair with the car searching and finding or the phone searching. I think letting the car lead the pairing process helped me. I have a 4s and when trying youse Siri it either crashes or displays I'm calling someone on the screen. W
The no audio happened to me twice on my iPhone 4. I found that shutting down the iPhone and restarting it will bring the audio back on Bluetooth. iPad ?
My iPhone 4S connects fine to entunes with Bluetooth. I'm not sure why some can do this and others need the USB cable. I may use the cable too though when I want to make sure the phone stays charged.
Siri does not work with your display audio system, BTSA, nav or entune. The fact that you hear the voice over the speakers is because BTSA is playing the audio. The iphone thinks the Prius is a Bluetooth headset, nothing more. The voice commands built into your head unit work only within the system. It can't directly control your iphone, droid or antique flip phone with exception to iPod and placing a phone call. The phone book and address data that you're phone shared with the Prius are stored inside e car stereo head unit. Voice commands call upon that internaly stored data only. You folks that are experiencing iphone connection woes, should TURN OFF YOUR WIFI. I know, I're not connected too a wifi network. I think something's up there with the iphone. Give it a try. Just turn wifi off and see if that solves the INTERNET CONNECTION woes with Entune. Additionally, you're cellular data speed may be causing some entune hick ups. I've got an iphone 4s from sprint and have waited for 2 minutes for Pandora to load. I often give up before it connects. Weather loads slow as well. Always be sure you've launched the entune app and are connected both on the iphone apps screen and with a genuine apple cable. Its apples fault that you use a cable, not Harmen's ( that's who actualy makes the system for Toyota ) A reboot of the phone ( apple and android ) can solve BT connection problems. Turn off the phone and the Prius. Start the pone first and wait for the phone to connect tot the cellular net work, then start the Prius. If you've correctly paired the phone, this should reconnect it.
We have a AT&T iphone 4 and Iphone 4S and i tried turning off WIFI and tried the internet connection through bluetooth and it is still not working. It works fine with a USB cable. Now do you have ios 5.1 on your iphone?
Happy to help! I'm still learning as I go. I have sound that while the car is confused by Siri (displays calling voicemail) but if it doesn't crash it does work at least speech to text. W
I do have 5.1 The wifi tip wasn't for Entune's data svcs, but was to solve buggy bluetooth connections for BTSA & phone calls.
My iPhone 4s connects to entune only with the cable but more strangely only if I connect the phone to the USB port BEFORE I start the car. Once the car is moving if my phone gets disconnected I can't reconnect it without restarting the car (tough on the highway). Either way I can rarely get pandora to play. The other apps work fine. This is all on the non-HDD nav display.
With my "old" 2010 Prius IV Siri work through bluetooth and looked on the screen as if I was making a call, the normal Siri beeps did not play through the speakers. Otherwise Siri was functional. Just had to time your speaking correctly. Haven't tried on my new "v" as Siri and I are currently on the "outs".
If you have pandora on your iPhone just set it to play and let it go through bluetooth. This will bypass Entunes altogether. This works for me without any problem.
Yes I'm aware. I just hate having things on my car that don't work. I never got over the lousy USB interface on my 2010 (thank god it's improved now) even though playing my phone through Bluetooth (especially after last years bluetooth upgrade) worked just fine for me.
Well you'll get no argument out of me there. I've already resigned myself to the fact that I am never going to use entunes until it can be totally connected through bluetooth. Luckily my wife is driving the car with entunes, and I am driving the 2011 that understands all of my verbal commands, downloads my phonebook, has a bigger screen that has enough contrast so the sun doesn't block out the map, and has more types of views on the navigation system.