I have the 2012 Prius 4 and love my new system, however am having some issues with the phone book. I have an iPhone 4 and over 600 contacts. For whatever reason my system only loaded contacts through the letter "I", nothing from "J-Z"? Any tips on how to load all my contacts? I refreshed many times but that didnt help. Also the voice activated dialing doesn't recognize most of the names?
Jeff, You posted this in the Prius c Main Forum. You'll have better luck posting it here: Gen III 2010+ Prius Audio and Electronics I see someone already has a thread started on this subject: Iphone 4 and Prius 2012 - Transfer partial contacts
Similar issue. What I did was create a "Prius" phone list in Outlook which is also used by iPhone Contacts. It has the essential 200 contacts. I thought the cutoff was 999 (I had 2700 since it included email addresses not just phone numbers). Never had the issue with my Ford hybrid, it easily took all contacts but with these Toyota electronics, we must plow. I think the 6" Nav/phone interface unit is really cheap. The XM radio can't do XM Traffic or Fuel (even though it is a complementary subscription from Toyota). I sent an email to Nate Reison of Jon Lancaster Toyota of Madison WI. He looks into this stuff and gets us answers. See if he can suss out the limit. Meanwhile check out this thread on contacts. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...hat-does-automatic-download-addresses-do.html
The total is indeed 1000. Your Entune will give you Traffic data automaticly. Look for the green highlighted roads.