Which of the screens do you use in helping you achieve the most MPGs? We have ours set to the "ECO Score" screen as it helps us easily determine what "mode" the car is in. I think if this display were part of the 07 Prius that we just sold, we could have pulled off higher MPG figures than what we did. (approx. 48- 50mpg tank avg. in that car) It has really helped us get the tank average up with the c and is a great aid to improving gas mileage by serving as a visual reminder/aid on how to drive more efficiently. So, which screen do you have displayed while driving?
I use a three prong approach Eco score on MID, 1 min MPG on 6.5" screen, and AMP, SoC, coolant temp, and RPM...On the scangauge. So far on my second tankfull, I have 57.9 MPG for 510 miles and the first blip just started blinking...very happy with my C -M
For those that might not be familiar with the ECO score screen, here's a great video on how to use it to increase your MPG. Since watching this vid, we have become rabid on improving our MPG using the HSI as a feedback source on how the car is running.
I also use the Eco score screen. If I were to put a percentage on it.. I'd say 99.1 percent of the time I use the eco score screen.. lol
I use Eco most of the time, especially driving on surface streets. Then I switch to 5 minute consumption on the highway to help me game the little hills since I know I'm going 60-65 the whole time and Eco isn't going to budge during that.
I'm an Eco Score guy, too. I find that it really helps keep my driving regulated and my mpg up. I have a ways to go before my scores are where I want them to be, but it's something to shoot for and makes driving the C fun
Eco score definitely. Driving this car is like playing a video game. lol I think all cars should have some sort of instant MPG meter like the Prius. I think you'd see a lot of people changing their driving habits for the better.
I use the Eco Score screen, but almost entirely for the power bar. Don't much pay attention to the scores. I'd use the ICE/EV power display more often if I could get the derned thing to glide. Anyone had success with gliding? I can get it for maybe a second and a half before either the ICE/EV kicks on or it starts storing power from the wheels. I'm finding more success with just engaging the EV (at lower speeds) with as little power as possible.
I use the same eco score screen, now can I ask the gentleman using the scan gauge, is there anything you have to set for it being a hybrid? or do you calibrate it the same as you would a normal gas engine, just enter engine size, tank size, etc. I have to dig out my scan gauge II from my old vehicle and hook it up and start using it. But first I have to wait to get my vehicle back from the body shop. 7 more days.
Yes...it has to be set for hybrid in the normal setup, along with tank size, etc.... Use this spreadsheet to get the Xgauge codes. Gen III codes work good. http://priuschat.com/forums/attachm...ge-dummies-prius-gen-iii-xgauges-11_24_11.xls Then you can choose what you want to show on the scangauge. You may want to check the firmware version, since the older versions may not be able to show more than one Xgauge at a time...latest version is 4.06 I choose to view RPM, Coolant temp, State of Charge of traction battery, and AMPs going to and from the traction battery. I find it to be a great tool in the quest to win the "MPG game" -M