So this is the second time that has happened to me. I had 145 km range left on my tank. I decided to fill up $12 of gas, my bar was at 2, it went up to half tank full, around 6 bars. However, my range didn't go up, it still showed 145km left. Now I'm driving and the range is down to 79km left, but I still have 4 bars left, usually at 79km I would only have 1 bar left. Does anyone know the problem ? Usually I have to refill up the full tank for the range to change and goes to 645km I'd appreciate some feedbacks. thanks
I have the same problem for the second time. I went to the garage and they told me that it is normal, but i do not believe it. I drive usually 700km per tank on my Prius V 2012. Now I drove 200 km, and decided to refuel the car. I field 12 l and I have all the bars displayed on the dashboard. The range distance still display 500km. I drove an other 60 km, the range distance went down, to 440km. I do not know what to believe?
If a decent amount of fuel is not added this can happen. It's usually around 2 gallons but it could be a bit more. Maybe you were right on the borderline.
Believe in bars - not DTE. DTE may be misreported if not enough fuel was added (I've observed on other Toyota that it restarded only after full refill). Bars are quite accurate. As long as the last one is not blinking you are safe. If last one blinks - pakitt did a great job calculating what to do.
Well I've never filled it halfway, always a full tank so that's why I've never experienced what you're describing in the DTE. DTE is just an estimate and I think it's based on your current FE numbers and what it thinks is left in the tank. I suspect it would go up once it calibrates itself (i.e. after you drive some more into the current tank). Also note that the DTE is calculated to the low fuel light (so up to 35 litres, not the full 45 litre tank as Toyota keeps 10 litres as reserve and makes the low fuel light come on when there's 10 litres left).