Prior Prius owners, what are your thoughts on getting an extended warranty for the C? Is it worth it or not? Particularly where the battery is concerned, how reliable has it been after the original warranty has expired? I understand they are quite expensive to replace.
How much is the warranty? I never buy those and I've never been sorry I have not. There are others on the board that feel differently. Be sure to ask exactly what is covered and what needs to be done when a claim is made on the extended warranty.
I'm usually not a fan of them, but since Toyota will give you 100% of the money back if you don't use it, I went for it.
Huh? I didnt check into it that far. Never read the pamphlet. Is this if you cancel in the 30 day trial? I grabbed it with my C, but is my first Prius and first toyota. The battery and hybrid system is factory warrantied for 8yr/100k already So the extended pretty much covers everything else. We are buying a 2012 Prius 3rd gen only 2 weeks after getting the C We will be a 2 car Prius family. I will also buy the extended on that. I have the money now, and I would like peace of mind. Also dont want to be "stuck in the rain" one lousy day in the future. Hope this helps.
That I do not know the answer to off the top of my head. The finance people at the dealership went to great lengths to point out the 100% refund policy when I was skeptical about buying the warranty. My GF a couple years back had a major issue with her Honda Civic and had an extended warranty on it. Would have cost her $3k in repairs if she didn't have it. Paid for itself. That kinda changed me from a "hell no" guy to a "hmmm maybe it's worth it" guy. It really is up to the individual though.
The finance people said that? If their mouth is moving, they're lying... I'd have to see it in print.
ok, that makes more sense.... the posts just answered the question. The Toyota extended warranty refund is probably pro rated whenever you want to trade-in or "return" it. BUT there may be a limit to the return...which is prob 30 days. Either way, yes individual decision. My decision is that I have it, regardless of whether he or she got it or gets it!:rockon:
You sell it back to Toyota and it counts for cash if you trade the vehicle in, but it is a pro-rated sell. The 100% refund is only within the first thirty days if memory serves. I know it's costly, but I always pay vehicles off early and trade them in at some point, with my recent trade I got 3000 back off a 4500 policy, but I did utilize the tire warranty, prepaid maintenance, and had the peace of mind for extended part warranty. I felt it was a worthwhile investment and I went ahead and got the Platinum plan with my current C as well despite the cost given my savings alone will pay the entire purchase off quicker than it'd have been to keep my truck.
Everything else? I doubt. There's a whole list of things the ext. warranty does not cover, and it's surprisingly quite extensive.
Ever since I had a transmission disaster with my Honda Odyssey only 10k after the basic warranty ran out, I have always purchased an extended warranty. They wanted to charge me over 6k to fix it and I still had a year left of payments. I ended up trading it in, taking more money out of my savings than I'd care to admit, to both pay it off and put a decent down payment on a new car, this time with an extended warranty. I now have traded that car (a Honda Civic) in for my new Prius C, and also got an extended warranty. Since I still had around 50k left on the Civic's extended warranty, I was told by the Toyota financier that I can bring in the paper work showing the mileage left after the trade in and get a refund for the difference that I paid for the extended warranty. If this is true, than I see very little downside to getting an extended warranty. If I don't use it, at least I have the peace of mind knowing that it is there. If I end up trading the car in before it runs out, then I can get the difference back. And, heaven forbid, if something does happen to the car, I have the warranty to cover it. Each person is different, but after that one incident, I just can't help but think about the what if situations. By the way, I'm not sure why, but according to my paper work, it says my battery is covered for 10years, or 150k miles, not 8 years/100k!?!? I can't see any additional charge attached to this, so I'm not sure why, but I'm not going to complain...unless they did manage to slip in an addition charge that I can't seem to find...hmmm...
They told me 100% back and didn't mention any time period, I don't think. I didn't buy it, though. I never do. I did consider it for a moment, though, since it's so electronic. My husband can work on cars, but not electronics, per se.
I don't see how that would relate to me, since I don't live in California. I'll look closer when I get the chance. Maybe she said (and wrote) 10y/150k, but I haven't looked at the actual warranty yet. I'll post an update when I've looked at everything more closely.
There are warranty companies that will refund the cost of the warranty should you not ever file a claim. However, these are not Toyota warranties and are aftermarket. Remember, there are contacts on this forum to get the Toyota warranties from at large discounts.
Just to add, most people who buy an extended warranty don't realize they can get some money back from their extended warranty before it runs out or that it's transferable to the new owner. The dealership won't tell you that because it's stays in their pocket not your's. You wouldn't believe the amount of people I've asked that didn't realize they can do this.
I ended up purchasing the extended warranty for up to 120,000 miles and extendend maintence up 55,000 miles on my Prius C .I was lucky to find a dealer that went above and beyond to give me those items at their cost price. My previous vehicle was a 2002 Civic. After my experience with what I like to call a MerCivic = "Civic that has so many repairs it misewell be a Mercedes". I decided to go with the extended warranty. I wish I would have got one with my Civic, it would have saved me the almost 4,000 dollars of repairs and this does not inculde the regular maintence costs I've spent since having the vehicle. Overall for me and the fact my commute can sometimes hit 120 miles a day. I see value in them for me, and especially since these vehicles have so many electrical components and modules.
Bretaz...where/ how would I find the contacts for discounted warranties on this forum? Thanks for your response.
I had a horrible experience with an extended warranty on y last car, so I'm rel hesitant. When they sell it to you, it sounds great, and the radio commercials sound great, but in actual practice, not so much. The warranty company refused to pay anything, because the car overheated. But how did I know anything was wrong if it didn't overheat? We went back and forth, and bottom line is I was ripped off. Plus the warranty company(aftermarket) had to send someone over to the mechanic, which took 4 days, until they would even start work on it(another incident). Total frustration.