Taunting me with your ever-fluctuating score.. flashing to 98/100 for a hot second then back down to 83 just to mess with me! Well, it's on! Challenge accepted!
That thing taunts me. I can get a 99 on start if no other cars are around, but can never seem to get over 60 on stop. My wife the other day had to really get on it to get across a busy highway, and got a score of 1 on her start, which I was pretty impressed with...
I get 99 or 100 on my starts most of the time. cruising I normally get no reading score or sometimes 70-80 Stops, you have to really coast without applying to much brakes for a LONG time and still only get 80 max. My highest overall is 97, but that didnt include a cruise I have 200+ miles so far and have kept it in eco all of the time, except a few big hills. I wonder if 100 with 5 bars for each is even possible?
I was wondering that myself. I finally got a 100 on a start today but havent been able to achieve that on a cruise. Stops are my downfall, I rarely see anything higher than 2 bars on that. I gotta lay off the brakes LOL
The info display can toggle between maybe 10 different screens. One of those screens shows the normal power gauge, but also shows a scoring system on how you drive. Starts, Cruising and Stops that translate into a score. Take off gently and gain moderate speed and feather the gas and go easy then coast and never slam on the brakes....get you higher score. Trying to score in this game only gets you better gas mpg results. It is a win win situation! Toyota is probably putting it to test...to see results. They will prob intro it to the other prius soon.
I was rocking a fat 92 this morning on the way in.. stopped in a way I THOUGHT was good but wound up dragging me down to 78 Damn you Eco Score!! LOL
Isn't that always the case? I've had stops that I thought were great that only gave me two bars. Drives me nuts! lol. It seems to want you to take your foot off the gas and slowly roll to a stop for about 30 seconds. Not very do-able on most of my commute
Who knows, I will be testing... I wonder if it tricks you to do better, even if you are doing good already. If that is the case, mpg reports are gonna hit triple digits, lol!!!
I dont even drive on the highway trying to get 99mpg... and those people speeding behind me im totally oblivious too, because im saving sooooo much gas!!
I've had some angry passers on the freeway here as I am doing the Eco Score's bidding. I've started to find it amusing when some schmuck in an Audi rides my bumper for 1/2 a mile and then swerves into the passing lane in a fit if rage LOL. the speed limit is apparently too slow for most people in NJ!
The best I had so far: 5 bars on a start, 4 bars on a cruising and 5 bars on a stop, but even in that case my eco score was 92/100... I don't know how this little thing is calculating my eGo score...
The best I've had so far is 5/4/5 bars with a score of 95. Of course that was on the test drive and haven't replicated it since. (I've gotten close a few times)
I actually got all 5s for the first time yesterday. I think i can replicate it. Cruise is what gets me. It seems to be based on NOT moving the pedal. The longer you keep it in the same spot, the higher the bar. I also saw 100 for the first time yesterday. Was just a second but its in there somewhere PC36100 ?
Yes! I've been trying to find some rhyme or reason to how the cruise score works. I've noticed the same thing but it's not consistent... sometimes if my cruise isn't budging, I can let my foot off the gas a little and it starts going up again.