New other or used?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by rugrat, Apr 16, 2012.

  1. rugrat

    rugrat New Member

    Apr 9, 2012
    Other Non-Hybrid
    So I posted in the newb forum the other day kinda asking about this...

    I am on the hunt to get a car in the next few days... I really like the look of Prius's, I love the gas mileage, and the carrying capacity.

    There is dilemma... that is new ones are very expensive!

    I really had my heart set on a Prius... I have 15K to get a car... I want good mpgs and lots of space... fold down seats a must.

    I have a few options
    -there is 2007 touring with all the upgrades it ia a little under$15k It has 70k miles and looks to be in good condition...(I am liking this one)
    -there are 4 salvaged basic prius's for under$12k having between 68-76k miles( they are salvaged)
    -There is a salvaged Honda insight with 22k miles and for $12,500
    (its salvaged)

    or my dad is thinking a newer used Honda fit or Toyota corolla.

    I am unsure of what to do... I have heard Prius's last a long time, but my dad thinks I am crazy wanting to get a car that 70,000 on it when I should be getting one with less... He says if I want to I can, but he does not understand the logic. So what should I do? My dad also doesn't like the idea of a salvage he is the type of person who would rather pay more and having nothing go wrong vs I am more of a person who looks for something thats good and if something goes wrong figures out how to fix it... :D

    I almost got a 2009 clean title Prius with 60k miles for $15k this last weekend... but the guy sold it behind my back! :(

    thanks a million :)
  2. Cory151

    Cory151 Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    Las Vegas
    2005 Prius
    Here in California cars can be salvaged by having a thief steal the airbags or a very small amount of damage. I cant speak for other states but I would recomend staying clear of salvaged vehicles when they are priced so close to non slavaged vehicles.

    I got my Gen II for $8k with 130k on it and Im pretty happy, even if It were so crap the battery tomorrow Id get it a battery. Being patient is one of your best ways to get a good deal. Its sort of like fishing. I would also recomend getting a carfax to make sure the car has not had major damage repair.
  3. Munpot42

    Munpot42 Senior Member

    Mar 12, 2012
    Santa Monica, Ca. 90405
    Other Hybrid
    I have to vote with your father, I'm thinking you are close to a new corolla, nissan sentra, Honda fit, if you can stretch a thousand or 2. A new car has the advantages of warranty, and remember that also means new tires, new brakes, so your maintenance costs are very low for the first 3 years.
    I was lucky enough to be able to buy a car for my daughter when she turned 16. I bought her the most basic new Nissan Sentra you could get at the time. It forced her to learn to drive stick shift and lasted her through college and for 4 years after that. I never regretted that decision.:)
  4. cnschult

    cnschult Active Member

    Jan 9, 2008
    2005 Prius
    if you only drive in the city than the Prius is the no-questions way to go, if you drive a lot on the highway you may consider saving $$ with a civic or corolla.

    Prius has some very expensive components not found in conventional cars so it is best to stay away from one with a salvage title.

    Buying from a private party will save you big bucks over a dealership.
  5. Fore

    Fore Don't look back!

    Feb 1, 2011
    2010 Prius
    I bought my 2010 Prius II with only 10,550 miles in awesome like new condition and it's still under warranty for $18,000 OTD. So there out there to be found you just have to be patient. Some people just refuse to drive them correctly and get disappointed and trade them in, some wan't all the bells and whistels so they trade up. For me I just bought it for the best MPG I could find so I'm happy with my purchase and lovin it.
  6. tdelker

    tdelker Junior Member

    Feb 6, 2012
    2004 Prius
    I'm new to the prius world, but my thoughts.

    You like to 'figure out how to fix things.' I'm the same way. This alone is good enough reason to buy used and learn some new skills on auto repair. I've brought my wife's car to a garage never in the past 13 years, mine truck twice out of time constraints. One of those times I ended up having to repair the repair - brakes squeaked after new ones installed. I just should have done it myself the first time! But with two little kids time is hard to find. replaced and lubed everything and no more squeeze. Reputable shop (per reviews) said the caliper was sticking after trying to fix it the third time. It was faulty shims (one was bent).

    I never have and never would buy new. The lost value over the first year or two is very painful, and depending on the model continues on for 5 years after it starts to stabilize. Go to Kelley Blue book, pick your favorite model and plot resale vs year to know what's happen on that particular car. Also you shouldn't pay more than KBB value. It's a fair standard. I personally would never buy from a stealership either. The value from private party is too good, and the perceived security from a dealership is fictional. A one owner car bought from that owner is going to be the best value.

    A salvage title is NOT the way to go unless you are buy the wreck and going to fix it yourself and drive it until it dies. The price will be seriously degraded when you try to resell it otherwise. Much harder to know how to price it as well.

    That said, your best deal is going to be from the car that is the best price. Try not to tie yourself to a single model or year. Keep looking on craigslist. You'll find something after a month or two. The good deals are gone a day or two after listing, so you have to keep an eye out, check often and know what a good deal is (one owner, low miles, priced right). Then negotiate. Print of the KBB values, reviews, whatever will give you a reason why you need $500 or something off the price.

    Civics are great cars, but you won't get much repair experience :) Prius are also good if you can get the right deal. I did and I love it. Camry or Accord. 15k will buy a pretty nice car if you take your time, think it over, look at as many cars as you can to know what is normal and what is good.

    Good luck. Buy a car is very stressful. Other than a house, it's the biggest purchase you'll be making, so don't be 'pound foolish.' Take your time. So you missed on good deal, or at least you think you did. Another will come along.

    I got my 2004 with 60k from a retired couple. Beautiful condition with all the maintenace done at the dealership (double standard I know). Keep looking and you'll find one that clear is the right car. But it could take a month or so.

  7. rugrat

    rugrat New Member

    Apr 9, 2012
    Other Non-Hybrid
    How much should I ask for???

    So thanks for all the replies and all the advice it was helpful...

    Anyways I should tell you all of tonights events... So my dad got off of work early.. (he is the owner of company so time is valuable to him) so I was happy he was able to get off... early, but really frustrated because I was supposed to have work this evening at 5:45 and it was already 3:30 before we got out the door.... My dad had been looking at new or newer cars (not prius's) every car he has owned has quit at around 100k... he buys a new car and sells it a few years later... ( a bad habit) his latest vehicle he spent $50K ON!!! I don't like it... and its to expensive as I said we are different I am more frugal and DIY minded...

    So we finally got out the door and what I really wanted to see was a Prius, but it was over an hour south and it wasn't at a Toyota dealership so we would have to have it checked out. So there was not time to drive there and look at before I would have work... So we decided to go look at 2008 Honda civic (I needed to go look at something with him since he had taken the time off) so we drove to a Nissan dealership and looked at it.. and we quickly realized with that the seats would not fold down and it would not fit my needs... I found out I wasn't needed at work (mondays are slow) so we could hang around a little longer (the place where the prius is closed at 6 and the toyota service also closed at 6 not enough time.

    At the Nissan dealership the salesman showed us a new Nissan Versa hatch back... it was last years model still new though and it was the only 2011 left.. It was supposed to sell for $17,800, but my dad asked about invoice price so we got $16,500... then we found out they wanted to get rid of it so $16k we they would sell it to us for... I didn't like the drive that much or the layout... I didn't think the back was great for carrying stuff... it was a big backseat to ride in... but my goal is not passengers...

    So there was a toyota dealer ship next door so we wandered over. The salesman showed us a 2010 Toyota Matrix it was for $14.8k and it has 28k miles. They accidently priced it lower than they wanted to sell it for .. the guy also told my dad about how good prius's are... that his friend was well over 300k... (my dad thought a prius would die at 100k like any other car and that I was exaggerating about making 200k...) I liked driving the Matrix and almost went of the lot with it... but the Prius was still in my mind... So I decided to wait until tomorrow...

    The Prius has 70k miles on it and it is a 2007 touring with all the upgrades. It has leather seats, navigation, bluetooth, a 6 cd changer, and heated seats... ( I have to confess I am spoiled I love heated seats I already have a bad lower back from carrying music gear a lot so the heated seats are nice!) So its a nicer car than all the rest. I love leather seats, because when I detail/clean cars I can get them looking a lot nicer.

    So the price on that guy is a little under $15K... My dad was still like "$15K for a car with 70,000???"

    On the way back home we called one my uncles. He has owned two priuses and one of them is a 2007 touring with all the upgrades. He and my other uncle knew a ton about all of these cars. My dad asked about the 70k on the Prius and my uncle said "oh thats nothing it will go a lot longer than. these are apples and oranges they are all great reliable cars. What ever he likes the most is the best." One of my uncles also had owned a toyota matrix and the other owns something close to a Nissan Versa... So now my dad thinks correctly of what a Prius is and what it can do! :)

    So tomorrow afternoon my mom and I are going to go check out the Prius and if it looks good take it to a Toyota dealership and have them give it a once over. If it falls through I will get the Matrix... but from the pics and talking to the guy over the phone it seems to be in good condition.

    So tonight ended up being very beneficial to getting a car and I finally get one tomorrow :)

    Also one question: what should I be asking for the 2007 Prius Touring? Should I try $14K? What should he be selling it for?

  8. tdelker

    tdelker Junior Member

    Feb 6, 2012
    2004 Prius
    Look up Kelly Blue Book value. You might want to try other sites, but that's the most reliable one that I've used.
  9. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    Register the VIN at Toyota Owners Official Website: Service Coupons, Owners Manuals, Service Scheduling and More to get the car's service history. Verify it is a Touring. Very often a stock Package 7 is passed off as a Touring.

    In a CARB state the hybrid warranty is 10 years/150,000 miles so (here) it still has plenty of warranty left where it counts.

    Salvage cars have no warranty & may be difficult to insure. If you can't afford or know how to make the expensive repairs then this type of car isn't for you. Since you can't afford a new car you can't afford the potential repairs on a salvage.

    When your dad was your age he wasn't buying new luxury cars every 3 years. He is now in a position where he is able to. God bless him. May we all be fortunate enough to be able to buy the cars we want.

    Conventional ordinary cars start needing expensive repairs & maintenance by 100,000 miles so his observations & experience are sound. IMO, stay away from them as it sounds like you need something with a low operating cost.

    As for price, you can always ask. The worst that can happen is they say "no". If the car is fairly priced then it won't sit long.
  10. rugrat

    rugrat New Member

    Apr 9, 2012
    Other Non-Hybrid
    @JimN thanks...

    Well I didn't get a car and to be honest it was a pretty frustrating evening... Although my parents and I had a good time... I drove all the way down to the place. It was pretty small. The guy was a little bit of a hick... ;-) Anyways the outside looked really good and the inside also... it was dirty... not as in stains or anything, but to the fact that he took no time to detail or even make it look very presentable... That didn't matter to me I do a very good job at that and do my parents car every few months to make sure they are the best they can be on the inside.

    We took it to a Toyota dealership. Had them look over it as if they were buying it. The woman was extremely helpful and very nice. We paid them $120 so $30 more than I had thought it would be and they did a very good job. They gave a nice long list. We quickly got down to business with the woman (her name was Tanya) She told us some of the things really didn't effect driving. However that the rear door and some other stuff had been replaced which was sending up red flags for her... according to the guy I had got the impression that (it was the dealers friends car) that it had got hit in the door and he fixed it. She also told us all the wheels were mismatched and that the car wasn't aligned and a couple of other things... anyways when we got back we and told the guy. We found out the car was salvaged and then the dealer sold it to his friend.... So it ended up being more work than not... :-/

    By that time it was already 8 and so too late to go get the Matrix....

    Been hoping for a Prius... because I want a car I can take care of and that will last... I suppose there other cars that will last a long time... but the space and mileage factor of the prius cannot be beat..
  11. pdm66

    pdm66 New Member

    Sep 17, 2011
    2009 Prius
    There are no Prius's with heated seats. Not factory anyways and I would be VERY wary of anyone screwing around with the electrics.

    Forget Salvage cars. Forget them. Go away. Do not stop, do not pass GO.

    I bought a 2009 Prius with 15K miles on it fully loaded, leather, navigation etc. Yep I paid dearly for it but it was certified and I bought it from a Toyota dealer.

    Your dealer bought it from an auction, most likely from a Toyota dealer who knows whats wrong with it and kicked it out to wholesale it.. Very obvious..

    I would NEVER buy a sophisticated car like the Prius from a NON Toyota Dealer. The dealer you are thinking about buying it from sees $$$$$ in his eyes and nothing else. He hasn't a clue as to what he is selling and you have no service records. NO warranty Nada. Forget bout working on these cars yourself. Stop with the dreams. This is way beyond anything you know what to do with or have the diagnostic equipment.

    At 15k you are way the hell over paying. Yes I probably paid to much but I have real value in my car besides the fully loaded part. I have a warranty as well as virtually no miles.

    Run Forest Run.... away from this "bargain" You are looking at this through rose colored glasses and allowing your emotions to be your eyes. That my friend, will never be kind to you..
  12. pdm66

    pdm66 New Member

    Sep 17, 2011
    2009 Prius
    *EDIT* Whoops, just read your last post.. I see I wasn't far off... Good Job.
  13. rugrat

    rugrat New Member

    Apr 9, 2012
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Yep I am not sure it was even a touring...

    I have one more shot at a Prius...

    I need your guys opinions on this....

    There is a 2009 Toyota Prius I haven't got pics yet. The seller recently retired and has 4 vehicles and is selling 2-3 of them and buying a new 2012 prius. The 2009 He is selling has been in no accidents. He seller has had a house in Golden valley MN and another in Duluth MN. Thats about 4 hours apart on freeway if I remember correctly. So it has 104k on it which is a good amount of miles but almost all of them would be highway miles.

    He told me he bought it from a Toyota dealership when it hand 15k on it. They did not have any new ones and the Owners wife was driving the car... (the first 15k) he is the first registered owner though...

    He wants to sell it for $12.5K....

    so the facts
    2009 touring V1 (Blue) with nav (possibly other features?)
    Asking $12,500
    miles 104,000

    go for it or just get a newer Honda Fit or Toyota Matrix?

  14. usnavystgc

    usnavystgc Die Hard DIYer and Ebike enthusiast.

    Jul 29, 2011
    Tucson, AZ
    2005 Prius
    Dang, 104k on an '09 but @ 12,500, it might be worth it. If it looks good and well cared for, I think I would pull the trigger and get it.
  15. rugrat

    rugrat New Member

    Apr 9, 2012
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I would too.... I talked to the guy on the phone for a while yesterday really nice guy and I could tell he really cared about the car... but alas someone thinks anything over 70k is too old...

    I officially do not understand my father... :confused:
    So I looked for under 70k... (both of these had carfax)

    I found one with with 53,000.... (pretty sure it is a big dealer ship selling it) he looked at it and said "Oh they didn't bring it in to Toyota to have it serviced they must not care about their car".... Because obviously people cannot change the oil themselves or have a good job done other places :D;):rolleyes:

    I also found a 2006 toyota with the two things I really really want bluetooth and a 6cd changer! with 77k and it recently had the engine checked out and the battery (traction or regular?) replaced... but you know with that mileage it could break down anytime!... right :(


    the thing that is really getting on my nerves is I know it is really nice of him to be buying a car for me to use at college none of my older siblings got that. He told me though that if I wanted a Prius we could get one and I WOULD get to PICK out the car I wanted.... :(

    He is fine with a Matrix with 30,000 which I am not sure how long they go he expects 130,000... His beloved "Consumer reports" (seriously he lives by what those people say... he will not look at anything that is not favored by them) rated the Prius at 200,000 miles and said it was like new... so he is not believing and going against his consumer reports?

    So out of the two cars a Prius is much more likely to last longer and his brother and law would back me up on that...

    He told me he doesn't want a problem car on his hands and according to him any car over 70,000 is a problem car... :eek:

    If there are of any of you that live in MN could we please have an intervention??? :D:D:D:D:D

    It just frustrating to me that I researched months what I wanted for what is reliable and would work well for me (good gas mileage and space) I am hoping to buy the car from my dad in a year or two when I have the money... but it seems to me he is being really ignorant of what the facts are about cars and well doesn't really care...

    I like the Prius because of the space, the gas mileage, I like how they drive ( I used to drive a sports car.... it was a dream to drive just too tempting;) ), I like how they look, and the reliability....

    what do I do... sorry if I vented a little... go team Prius :cheer2:

    but seriously about that intervention.... it might help.
  16. jimmyedson

    jimmyedson New Member

    Oct 29, 2011
    South Australia
    2007 Prius
    I think you have your heart set on a Prius and if you get something else you will still hark back to your original wish.

    Stick to the Prius idea - but bide your time. Eventually the right deal will eventuate and you and your Dad will be happy. Your Dad wants to ensure you don't have high ongoing costs and that is a fair call.

    I waited around 6 months before buying a 2007 Prius with 25,000Km. It has been a great buy and worth waiting for. I still enjoy driving it every day and I particularly enjoy the $50 per week fuel savings from my previous car (1982 Daimler XJ6).
  17. NinnJinn

    NinnJinn Member

    Aug 1, 2011
    2008 Prius
    Im not the type to cause or raise hell in the family, but if you are at least 18, "Heck with the father and get it yourself"

    I assume he isn't contributing any money towards the car, you are. So if that is the case, get er done!!!

    My father, buys brand spanking new Toyotas, runs them to 150,000miles and then trades them off.
    Back in the day, my father was always saying, "well instead of getting this car, get that!! $500 more and you can have a brand new car instead of one with 50-60,000miles."

    I finally said "DAD!!! I don't want a stinking YUGO!!!!!!!!!!!!" I waited until my 18th birthday and went out and got what I wanted. YES, 1 out of the 7 cars I have bought in my life time was a POS. but you live and learn...

    You find a prius that meets your needs and wants, take it to the dealership to get checked out. If all is well, then get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Most fathers want the best for their children, but most of them seem to forget that we the "children" don't have the credit nor the job to justify a $40,000 brand new car....
  18. kirbykirb

    kirbykirb New Member

    Apr 22, 2012
    Tampa, FL
    Other Non-Hybrid
    With 15k, you should be able to get a very nice prius. I would avoid the salvage/crashed ones, and look at a private sales. I see many late Gen 2 models going for under 13k with less then 80k due to the newest third gen, and the new models being unraveled.

    I would not buy a rebuilt title prius for more then 10k. It will be hectic to resale, and you may be potentially driving an unsafe car depending on how the rebuilder decided to fix it.
    The state may inspect the car, and re-issue it's title as rebuilt; but just because it has passed a state inspection it does not mean it will ever live up to it's original crash safety.
  19. rugrat

    rugrat New Member

    Apr 9, 2012
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Hey guys,
    I have been trying to bide my time... hehe ok bide my last few days that is...My dad wants the car sooner than later... and yes NinnJin he actually is buying it... I have to get my own car after college though. I am graduating a year early and going to a place out of state that doesn't have a dorm so a car is a necessity... so thanks dad ;-)

    I may have found a good one... it has been online a few days now. Its a 2006 with 77k on it.... a few more miles than my dad would like, but it has a brand new traction battery (replaced a Toyota dealership) and appears to have been serviced at toyota! I talked to the guy and its his sisters car and he is selling it for her. So it appears to be really well taken care of and its never been crashed. I have looked at the Carfax and it is clean also in that respect. It also has the upgrades I want most (nicer speakers, blue tooth, and the 6 cd changer)... So it is looking like a really nice car. (its even got a nice color... not hideous or bland one hehe) after work I am going to go check it out and hopefully buy it tonight! :) I hope...

    The only bad thing I can see as far as the car goes is the mileage which isn't that bad... My dad also said for this car if I wanted it he would cover the first $500 of repairs annually... but thats a chance I am willing to take I will be saving a lot of gas money driving it so I can just save that up for any repairs that may be needed.

    I will let you guys know though.
  20. rugrat

    rugrat New Member

    Apr 9, 2012
    Other Non-Hybrid
    So I went and saw the car.

    It is a red 2006 Prius. The car was in good condition as far as I cold tell. There were 4 small door dings the guy said (it was kinda dark out) and there was a good sized scratch on the rear bumper... nothing that bothers me.

    The service records show a brand new traction battery replaced under warranty last November and that the engine was looked at. If something was fixed or replaced or just looked at I don't know.The service records only show that it was serviced by Toyota twice at 5,000 and 73,000 so I am hoping a few other times in there?

    Now there was one problem with car I noticed which I will need help identifying. The car was noisy and the noise was coming from the front. I do not think it was an engine noise as it was still there when my foot wasn't on the gas. It appeared to be based on speed. It went from a wurring to howl to a roar... at about 25-30mph it kinda sounded a bit like a Harley (albeit quieter) glug glug glug glug... It was pretty loud at 50 or 60mph though.... Is that front axles? Transmission? wheel nuts? That noise was definitely not there on the two other Prius's I have driven.

    So overall the car seemed to be in great condition. The guy has it priced at $14,300OBO... he had driven it and noticed that sound too. He had said it would get fixed so it sounds like he would or his sister would either pay for it or take it off the price of the car.

    We offered to take it Toyota to get it looked over if we liked it and so I will tell him in a day or two based on what you guys decide. So it sounds like he isn't in a huge hurry to sell it and will wait to see if I want it :)

    So what do you guys think? any other info you guys want? Any ideas as to the problem? Should I go for it or atleast go for getting it checked out?

    Thanks a lot guys :)