It's $4.29 here in Packwood. We are about 85 miles from a Town or City of any size, there is however at least one refinery within about 100 miles and two within 200. Yet our prices are some of the highest in the Country. I say "something is foul in Denmark" as the old saying goes, or make that in Washington.
All quiet from Europeans? Here in my country prices are fixed by government Unleaded 95 octane E5 (can't get lover octane): 0.78533 (core price) + 0.00400 (something for reducing consumption) + 0.49067 (excise) + 0.25600 (tax 20%) = 1.536 €/liter (7.62 $/gal) Diesel: 0.75579 + 0.00200 + 0.36221 + 0.22400 = 1.344 €/liter (6.67 $/gal) No wonder that 50% cars sold in Europe are diesels
I guess I'm lucky after seeing these prices. If I fill up near my house, I'll pay around $3.96 per gallon. However, if I fill up closer to where I work, I can get it as low as $3.83/gallon. In addition, there is a Stop & Shop gas station near my work and not only do they consistently have the lowest prices, but they also provide .10¢ off for every $100 we spend at the store. Since I will now have to fill up less often, I should always be able to get at least .10¢ off, if not more, every time I have to fill up. With my old car, I would only get .10¢ off every other fill up.
When I was on vacation in England a couple of weeks ago petrol was £1.41 per litre, the equivalent of $8.55 per (US) gallon.
Honolulu $4.49 9/10 gal regular last night. $40 gas into our 2007 Fit with the low fuel warning on - almost filled. I remember filling up a '68 Satellite for around $8.00. (Yep - I'm older than dirt.)
You're likely a bit older than I, but I have fond memories of gas being 87 cents per gallon when I got my driver's license in 1991.
1. Today gas down to 3.839 2. I am 60. And I remember a gas war in 1971, $0.369 on two corners across from each other!
Lol... I remember those gas price wars. :thumb: ... then they suddenly disappeared due to the [ame=""]oil embargo[/ame] fuel shortage.
It went up again here. 2 weeks ago it was $4.17, then went down to $4.15 and is now back up to $4.18.
Gas was $3.529 at Sam's Club yesterday (course you gotta be a member), but that is the lowest I have seen in a looooonnnnng time. Still had almost a full tank though so I did not need any.
4.15 on Mirimar Air station san diego is what my wife paid. but not the best quality gas. so we dont buy.
I think it was a timing issue. Gas prices have been unstable in this area, and often it takes a few hours or a day for all of the stations to resync. Tom
yay! price dropped a bit to 4.799/gal. Bet it won't take long for it to climb back up to it's previous levels, though.